We have a tall ceiling and a relatively short tree (7 1/2 feet), so we put it up on a box. There are 1000 lights on this puppy! The unlit star at the top looks kinda sad in comparison.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Kerry - How do your cats deal with the temptation of feline-on-tree love? We have two six month old kittens and they're slowly learning that if they make enough ruckus shiny ornaments come their way. And one of them (the dumber one) has stopped drinking from her dish and moved on to the tree water.
Kerry - How do your cats deal with the temptation of feline-on-tree love? We have two six month old kittens and they're slowly learning that if they make enough ruckus shiny ornaments come their way. And one of them (the dumber one) has stopped drinking from her dish and moved on to the tree water.
The worst they do is munch on it for salad. Even though it's a fake tree, they like to try to chew on it. I can't always catch and stop them, unfortunately. The kitty on the right is nine years old, and she's seen the tree before. She's a bit of a grandma kitty and could care less about the ornaments. The one on the left, Sketch, is only three...and this is his first Christmas with the tree. We'll see if my ornaments survive this year.
The worst they do is munch on it for salad. Even though it's a fake tree, they like to try to chew on it. I can't always catch and stop them, unfortunately. The kitty on the right is nine years old, and she's seen the tree before. She's a bit of a grandma kitty and could care less about the ornaments. The one on the left, Sketch, is only three...and this is his first Christmas with the tree. We'll see if my ornaments survive this year.
Your Lucky.
Our Patches is pretty adventurous when it comes to the Christmas tree. We often hear ornaments bouncing in the night. We often tie them to the tree, it works most of the time.
Then there was this one time when she decided to see what makes the tree tick (you know all those twinkly lights and shiny ornaments). She was half way up the center, when we saw the tree shaking... by the time we uttered "What the..." , we jumped up and ran for the tree... just making it in time as the tree started to fall over (about 45 degrees). Luckily no ornaments were lost. We never saw the cat run so fast, the body couldn't keep up with the feet (Fred Flintstone style).
We ended up using a plywood base, about a foot wider than the tree stand. This stopped the tree from become cat-heavy... or I mean top-heavy.. After that adventure, she pretty much just gnaws at the fake greens now.
awe, what fantastic photos!! #1st set, i love that!!! the ornaments are so cute, really great shots of them. definetly something to remember
#2cnd set, that is HILARIOUS!!
#3rd set, thats a great idea, what are your settings, i love how the lights "twinkle" such a great idea putting the tree on a box! i might have to steal that
#4 that looks awesome!!!
#5 whats up with the leg hahaha
#6 your tree is beautiful, your cats look HUGE lol
awe, what fantastic photos!! #1st set, i love that!!! the ornaments are so cute, really great shots of them. definetly something to remember
#2cnd set, that is HILARIOUS!!
#3rd set, thats a great idea, what are your settings, i love how the lights "twinkle" such a great idea putting the tree on a box! i might have to steal that
#4 that looks awesome!!!
#5 whats up with the leg hahaha
#6 your tree is beautiful, your cats look HUGE lol
I believe the "3rd set" refers to mine...I actually held an 8-point star filter in front of my lens to make the lights starry and sparkly. (I held it because it wasn't the right size to actually screw in.) Putting the tree up on a box makes more room for presents under the tree! And it's nice because my son likes to play with his trains under it, too.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
We're not having a tree this year. Or at least, we won't put one up until we get back from California. I'm afraid I'd come back to two cats looking all innocent sitting in a pile of broken ornaments.
Congratulations on your very FIRST Christmas together noced
Your Christmas Tree and Decorations look lovely.
I've never owned a Christmas Tree,
we had them when we were kids though.
........ Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
It´s in our "livingroom" @ school..Wich is in a terrible condition!.
I like the ornaments hung on the TV!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
haha so di schmoo...so do i!:
wanna know the secret? Seethrough tape
We have a tall ceiling and a relatively short tree (7 1/2 feet), so we put it up on a box. There are 1000 lights on this puppy! The unlit star at the top looks kinda sad in comparison.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
No tree for me this year- in between houses so everything is packed away.
Here is one from last year with a rotating base and long exposure.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
It's a major award!
...notta finga...
is that FRENCH you are speaking?
now you know I have to go watch the movie now!
Canon Rebel XTi | Canon EF 24-70 2.8L
The worst they do is munch on it for salad. Even though it's a fake tree, they like to try to chew on it. I can't always catch and stop them, unfortunately.
Your Lucky.
Our Patches is pretty adventurous when it comes to the Christmas tree. We often hear ornaments bouncing in the night. We often tie them to the tree, it works most of the time.
Then there was this one time when she decided to see what makes the tree tick (you know all those twinkly lights and shiny ornaments). She was half way up the center, when we saw the tree shaking... by the time we uttered "What the..." , we jumped up and ran for the tree... just making it in time as the tree started to fall over (about 45 degrees). Luckily no ornaments were lost. We never saw the cat run so fast, the body couldn't keep up with the feet (Fred Flintstone style).
We ended up using a plywood base, about a foot wider than the tree stand. This stopped the tree from become cat-heavy... or I mean top-heavy..
#2cnd set, that is HILARIOUS!!
#3rd set, thats a great idea, what are your settings, i love how the lights "twinkle" such a great idea putting the tree on a box! i might have to steal that
#4 that looks awesome!!!
#5 whats up with the leg hahaha
#6 your tree is beautiful, your cats look HUGE lol
I believe the "3rd set" refers to mine...I actually held an 8-point star filter in front of my lens to make the lights starry and sparkly. (I held it because it wasn't the right size to actually screw in.) Putting the tree up on a box makes more room for presents under the tree!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Congrats, nice tree and ordament
Wishing you many more, enjoy every moment together.
Merry Christmas
FYI, we are on our 23rd Christmas together and still on our honeymoon
Wow, this looks really neat! I like the way the colors glow!
However, here is my Christmas self portrait.
Is this a blow up tree? I've never seen one before
The boss and I haven't put up a tree yet, but downtown is decorated. I hope this isn't too far off thread...
Merry Christmas everybody!
my flickr