Setting pic prices, what do you think?
If you have the time, take a look at a few of my pics on my site to get an idea of what I have to sell. (Apologize, as keywords/descriptions have not been included for most pics.) For Bulk, I was thinking of doing:
5x7: $17.95
8x10: $24.95
For pics that are not in 'The Top 10', I would prob set prices about $5-8 lower for all other pics on the site. There are a few on my site that are in the 'Top 10' or the like and I think they should warrant a premium. Example's:
5x7: $17.95
8x10: $24.95
For pics that are not in 'The Top 10', I would prob set prices about $5-8 lower for all other pics on the site. There are a few on my site that are in the 'Top 10' or the like and I think they should warrant a premium. Example's:
Interesting pricing strategy...just curious, how would you justify to a customer why one image costs $8 than another image of equal size? I could be wrong, but I would doubt that the average customer would pay such an increased price just because an image is in your 'top 10'...or conversly, why they would want to pay anything for an image that the artist feels is valued significantly less than your 'top 10'.
Regarding your sizes, for what it's worth, I dropped 4x6's from my offering awhile ago. I think in these days of $.17 Walmart 4x6 prints, people no longer see any value in a 4x6. I could be wrong...just my opinion.
Good luck...
Hi Bill. Thanks for the input. Considering the issue you raised, I will rethink my pricing strategy. I still haven't finalized how I'm going to do all of this....
BTW, if you take a look @ my pics, do you think the prices I was looking for are ok or too high?
Personally I think your prices are fair. I offer 8x10 images for 29.99 on my site & I've had success at this rate. I established this price by selling matted prints at festivals & galleries for $40. I advertise a 'non-matted print special for $29.99 - only available on the web'.
Good luck...
that said, what do you all, if any, sell down loads for, especially the commercial use? is $15.00, $30.00 and $45.00 good or should they be more? someone told me the orig should be like $130.00 !! lso. ideas on how to handle selling to different clients, say... a national selling magazine Vs. a Local Trade Mag. ? :thumb
Visit us at: a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink
Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
To get a good idea of the going rate for a photo, I recommend browsing some galleries or festivals. In this area, it seems like $40 is a good average matted print cost. Now use this cost to reverse engineer your doanload're allowing a customer to download your image for $15, print an 8x10 locally for about $2, then buy a $2.50 craft store mat, you've just given them a $20 matted print.
For commercial use, I'd say each situation is different...I've offered $30 downloads for small local customers (calendars, brochures, etc)...but I agree with the $130 or $150 posted fee. You can always negotiate down, but I wouldn't assume you can negotiate up after someone sees a $30 download fee.
I'm no expert, I'm just telling you what has worked for me.
Good luck...
thanks for the info on this one..! :thumb
Visit us at: a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink
Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
Zackerm most people don't say much beyond 'Great' when describing others photos they like. Well I bookmarked your site, I think that says it a bit better...;-)
Zacker, FYI check your page title in your control panel. It still has the default smug mug title. Its a tad easier to set your self apart with your won title appearing at the top of the browser. Also, check your footer. There were several unknown characters where I think you meant to put a copyright logo?
As for my photos, I think I'm going to price them as $24.95 for 8x10's as the starting point. More going up, much less going down to smaller sizes.
Originally I thought about charging slightly more for my favorite prints, but perhaps if I do this it will make the other 90% of pics on my site less special? What do you think. :thumb
Visit us at: a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink
Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
4x6 $3
5x7 $5
8x10 $10
All prices are based around an 8x10 sheet of paper costing around $10.