SmugMug Printing problems: request advice.

Hi all
Looking for some advice here.
I have had a customer return some prints printed with the AUTO setting and had them printed with TRUE color and still was not happy. Prints were too flat in first set then too dark in second set.
I printed them with my Epson 1800 on Red River Polar Satin paper with a ICC profile for the paper and they are perfect.
Now I know this is not a SmugMug problem and I am not complaining, I just would like to get this solved so I can avoid the problem in the future.
My workflow involves bringing the entire batch into Lighroom and making adjustments. Usually tweaking exposure and boosting saturation and clarity a bit. I then export them to a folder and upload to SmugMug.
I am exporting in whatever LR's default is.
In the prints I do at home I open them in PhotoShop and crop to specific sizes the customer wants and print. My prints at home are always very close to what I see on my screen.
So what am i doing wrong with the files I upload for SM? I am on a Vista PC if that matters.
Looking for some advice here.
I have had a customer return some prints printed with the AUTO setting and had them printed with TRUE color and still was not happy. Prints were too flat in first set then too dark in second set.
I printed them with my Epson 1800 on Red River Polar Satin paper with a ICC profile for the paper and they are perfect.
Now I know this is not a SmugMug problem and I am not complaining, I just would like to get this solved so I can avoid the problem in the future.
My workflow involves bringing the entire batch into Lighroom and making adjustments. Usually tweaking exposure and boosting saturation and clarity a bit. I then export them to a folder and upload to SmugMug.
I am exporting in whatever LR's default is.
In the prints I do at home I open them in PhotoShop and crop to specific sizes the customer wants and print. My prints at home are always very close to what I see on my screen.
So what am i doing wrong with the files I upload for SM? I am on a Vista PC if that matters.
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Sorry, never thought...
Color space is set to sRGB when uploading to your SM accountfrom Lightroom. My guess is it is not.
sRGB is the default if he's uploading from the web module.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"