PDF of the API

I am putting together a Ruby wrapper of the, to make my life a little easier I wanted to print out the API (yes I am old fashion and like to kill trees). To this end I put all the api's into a single file.
If you are interested you can find:
If anyone with CSS skills wants to make it pretty, send me some CSS and I will add it in and recreate the pdfs.
If you are interested you can find:
If anyone with CSS skills wants to make it pretty, send me some CSS and I will add it in and recreate the pdfs.
I am currently suffering through putting together a library for .NET, so let me know if I can help at all. I don’t know which interface you are using, but for JSON, I found Riyad’s documentation to be invaluable.
Evan, just a heads up, I updated the docs last night to include all the revised response messages for SmugMungous support, and in the process noticed that a few messages changed their format or report a bit more information than they used to.
I think albums.get now returns category and subcategory information, where as in my API I only had support for category.
Also users.getTree example was updated to show that categories can support subcategories and albums *but* the subcategories themselves can *also* contain albums. I didn't have support for that in my API until I saw that construct existed.
You might want to double-check your impl when you get a chance and make sure you are on-par with the responses, namely the heavy ones.
kallasoft | The "Break It Down" Blog
Yeah, I'll have to go take a look at that. I'm thinking of setting up my unit tests, such that my JSON parser is "stricter". This way, the unit tests will fail if the returned JSON text is not EXACTLY what is expected. Right now I fail if I get an extra parameter in the response w/o a corresponding parameter in my data structure; but I don't check that all parameters are assigned. Not sure how to impliment it, but its probably worth looking at.
I wouldn't mind doing the same... if you end up coming up with a good way of doing this, let me know how you implemented it. I'll do the same.
(shy of cycling over the JSON object with all known parameters I can't think of a way... but the idea of writing all those lines of code makes me want to vomit)
kallasoft | The "Break It Down" Blog