He-he...that 2nd shot is surreal. It looks like it's raining spiders! I can only imagine what my dreams would be at night if I had that many of those little guys in my face everyday!
Spiders don't bother me because they eat other pesky bugs.
But they do get in the way and you have too many, so I'd get out the Raid.
Nikon D300 l Nikon SB-600 l Nikon MC-30 Remote l Nikon AF-S 24-85mm 1:3.5-4.5G IF-ED l Nikon 50mm f/1.8 AF-D lSigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSMlQuantaray Pro U-100 backpack by Naneu Pro l Quantaray QSX 9500 Tripod by Sunpak Canon AE-1 ProgramlFD 28mm 1:2.8lFD 50mm 1:1.8lSunpak Auto 821 Dedicated
Spiders are a LOT easier to work out than people. Its been a long time since a death from a spider bite here (actually since they made the antivenene for the funnel web bite) but about 500 die on our roads each year but everyone happily jumps in a car.....but show 'em a spider & they freak
Trust me, if I walked out my front door and saw a bunch of acrobats a la Cirque du Soleil just hanging out over my yard like those spiders I'd freak out, too.
SCARY stuff alright.
I almost walked into th espider shown here 2 summers ago. She scared the wits out of me. I snapped a quickie with my HP point and shoot. The weather was soooo hot that the lens fogged up immediately. The photo is NOT goo, I know. Just throwing it up here to show the spider.
I emailed a University in Utah asking if she was venomous. Nope, just large and pretty(for a spider). She is called a Yellow/Black Agriope.
I hope to take more of her offspring next Summer. This last summer we saw about a dozen of her kind 20' into the woods behind our home.
1. Where do you live(city/state or county/state will do, my wife wants to make sure that we'll never live there)?
2. A fun picture idea. Use something that is a large structure(radio tower, building, or even the phone polls that I saw in the pictures) as the background then play with a very small apeture to get a great depth of field and the various compression on the lens. I.E. zoom in really far from a ways back and you can isolate a spider or spiders and put them on the large structure making them look King Kong size. I did this with a small apeture and a wide angle and got this result:
The only photoshoping needed was to move a stray web strand and I got some fun results(it took one of my friends a half an hour to figure out that the spider was about as big as a quarter).
p.s. while backing up with the camera at you eye, for my sake, don't back into one of those spiders, I think I'll feel it from here!
Neato - wish I'd gone out to take more pictures of ours. We had one build a massive web between our two houses here in Florida, and there were tons of them building webs over top of the roads for several miles going south of here. I've seen more this year than usual - and even after a few cold snaps there are still a lot of huge webs still being maintained.
Yeesh...as a science educator I know some about the importance of spiders, but they still freak me out a little bit. That many would probably freak me out more than a little bit...
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Awwwwwwwww I wanna be there... dang it!
I'd be beside meself with joy if I came across a sight like that Gus
Are these all Orbs Gus ??? ..... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Actually, that looks like my entire trip to Kyoto last month.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
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some of those look pretty big, you better keep an eye on splodge
But they do get in the way and you have too many, so I'd get out the Raid.
Canon AE-1 Program l FD 28mm 1:2.8 l FD 50mm 1:1.8 l Sunpak Auto 821 Dedicated
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Thanks for sharing your photos!
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker
Trust me, if I walked out my front door and saw a bunch of acrobats a la Cirque du Soleil just hanging out over my yard like those spiders I'd freak out, too.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Like spiders or not, that's just too dang many for my taste.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
SCARY stuff alright.
I almost walked into th espider shown here 2 summers ago. She scared the wits out of me. I snapped a quickie with my HP point and shoot. The weather was soooo hot that the lens fogged up immediately. The photo is NOT goo, I know. Just throwing it up here to show the spider.
I emailed a University in Utah asking if she was venomous. Nope, just large and pretty(for a spider). She is called a Yellow/Black Agriope.
I hope to take more of her offspring next Summer. This last summer we saw about a dozen of her kind 20' into the woods behind our home.
1. Where do you live(city/state or county/state will do, my wife wants to make sure that we'll never live there)?
2. A fun picture idea. Use something that is a large structure(radio tower, building, or even the phone polls that I saw in the pictures) as the background then play with a very small apeture to get a great depth of field and the various compression on the lens. I.E. zoom in really far from a ways back and you can isolate a spider or spiders and put them on the large structure making them look King Kong size. I did this with a small apeture and a wide angle and got this result:
The only photoshoping needed was to move a stray web strand and I got some fun results(it took one of my friends a half an hour to figure out that the spider was about as big as a quarter).
p.s. while backing up with the camera at you eye, for my sake, don't back into one of those spiders, I think I'll feel it from here!
Careful walking around Virginia racetracks too . . .
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In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose