FS: 72mm B+W MRC F-Pro Circular Polarizer
I have a like new 72mm B+W MRC F-Pro Circular Polarizer. I bought it for 200L that I have traded with a POTN and FM member. New Price $100 obo shipped in ContUS.
Also FS is a center pinched 72mm cap for Canon $5.00 shipped.
Last item: 67mm-72mm step-up ring, $5.00 shipped.
Buy all three for $105 shipped.
I have bought and trade come items POTN under zclin as well as at FM forum (under Zuchen Lin, search "Zuchen"). My ebay ID is also zclin.
Picture of the filter:
Also FS is a center pinched 72mm cap for Canon $5.00 shipped.
Last item: 67mm-72mm step-up ring, $5.00 shipped.
Buy all three for $105 shipped.
I have bought and trade come items POTN under zclin as well as at FM forum (under Zuchen Lin, search "Zuchen"). My ebay ID is also zclin.
Picture of the filter: