Links to SmugMug on my blog

Hi folks! I'd like to know if I could add a couple of SmugMug logos with links to the SmugMug home page to my blog. If this is at all possible, keep in my mind you're dealing with a complete ignorant here when it comes to code so you'll really have to take me by the hand and walk me through the process. Thanks in advance.

to link? click the share photo button then links/forums/blogs. Grab the link, and use html in your blog.
HTML Help? Right here:
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Thanks a lot, Andy. I followed your instructions but on my blog I get a SmugMug grin with the message: "No photo found". Weird, huh?
Can you give us a link to the blog or the photo link you used?
Sure. Here's the link to my blog:
and here's the link to the photo I used:
Once I've posted the SmugMug logos on my blog I'd like for them to have a link back to SmugMug's home page. I'd very much appreciate any help on this.
< a href="">< img src="" />< /a>
End result:
A million thanks, Sheaf! I'll try it later on tonight. Gotta leave this office in a hurry!