Tax/business advice

How many of you take trips with the intent of that being a money-making photographic expedition and then write off the cost of that trip as a business expense? Flight to somewhere with good light, great subjects, etc, etc.
Any reason not to do this? All you need to do is sell a few hum-dinger shots/with stories and you've got your "investment" back. Or at least that's how to explain it to the tax man.
Any reason not to do this? All you need to do is sell a few hum-dinger shots/with stories and you've got your "investment" back. Or at least that's how to explain it to the tax man.
I suggest you speak with a real tax person. Also, the laws in Canada are different than that of the US. FOr the US, in general, you can write off certain parts of business trips, but the "business" itself must be profitable (can't remember exactly... three out of five years as a general guideline)
Best advice... pay the money and hire people who really know for their knowledge.