Backyard Racing
A sport? I dunno but my friend and neighbor ran a rut in his yard last year with his go-kart. It has developed this year into a genuine dirt track heaven for those of any age. 

Grown-up kids

Grizzled racing veterans with no fear.

We had our tangles

Blown engines

Thrill seekers with 250cc screamers rather than the typical 6.5 hp engines

But we have a lot of fun and most importantly we entertain an admiring crowd.

I had as much fun taking hundreds of pictures as I did racing. Both were challenging at times.
Thanks for lookin'


Grown-up kids

Grizzled racing veterans with no fear.

We had our tangles

Blown engines

Thrill seekers with 250cc screamers rather than the typical 6.5 hp engines

But we have a lot of fun and most importantly we entertain an admiring crowd.

I had as much fun taking hundreds of pictures as I did racing. Both were challenging at times.
Thanks for lookin'
The guys without a helmet and gear are sure taking a chance, hope they have good insurance:yikes
How fast do you get up to on that track?
thanks for sharing
The track is 1/10 of a mile. The 250cc karts can do it in about 9.5 seconds (avg 37mph) and the 6.5 hp karts time about 11-11.5 seconds (avg 32 mph), if my math is right. Not terrifying speeds but certainly fun speeds.
Fast enough too that you can bend a heavy duty axle easily if you catch the fence like this guy did.
Back to topic. It looks funny as hell! much better then the asfalt karting we have in sweden! The pics are nice 2
'tis great fun for sure.