
Slave lights

KalamataKalamata Registered Users Posts: 97 Big grins
edited March 12, 2005 in The Big Picture
The Western Australian government relies heavely on speed cameras as a deterrent to speeders and a major revenue raiser, motor cycles are immune to the camera as your picture is taken front on and bikes don't have front number plates. 13.5 million dollars has been lost over the years due to this and the government is thinking about number stickers for all bikes. (where you put it is another story) My question, and its out of scientific curiosity only :wink that i ask it. Could/would slave lights be small and discreet enought not to be seen by a cauual observer but be bright enought to blind the flash from the camera.
Ed in WA

PS A mate is a police officer, he said they have a whole wall of pictures of bikers giving them the salute


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