still photos appear as a video... ?

Okay, I'm not quite sure how to explain what I'm looking to do..
Just for fun, I have some pictures that I want to create what looks like a video, but with photographs.. so basically flipping from one photo to another really quickly.... I probably confused anyone who's taking a glance at this thread.. any help would be muchly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Just for fun, I have some pictures that I want to create what looks like a video, but with photographs.. so basically flipping from one photo to another really quickly.... I probably confused anyone who's taking a glance at this thread.. any help would be muchly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
"Take my picture, Tonight I feel beautiful..."
-Marilyn Monroe
-Marilyn Monroe
In the create dialog menu there is an option to create something called a Flipbook. For example I took about 12 pictures in a row of my kids kicking a soccer ball and then loaded them into PSE5 in the correct order and the Flipbook created what looks like a video but with still pics.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Are these something like what you had in mind?