1st ever Baptism shoot - results
Well, this was quite the experience. For those of you who saw my earlier thread (http://www.digitalgrin.com/showthread.php?t=77114), I was asked to shoot a baptism and i didn't have the proper equipment... ie, a flash...
So I made a home-made diffuser and went in for battle :huh It was quite something... trying to be at the right place at the right time, everyone looking 10 different ways becasue there are 10 different cameras trying to take photos of everyone... it was definately hard work. I really wasn't a fan of taking the "family portraits"... lol... the location wasn't that great and the lighting has horrid :rolleyes
Anyways, enough of my whining...below are some of the results. I'm not thrilled about them, but i'm also not completely disappointed I guess. I came out with over 300 photos, which i cut down to about 130 and there are still some in there that i'm not too thrilled about, i I guess about 100 is going to be the real number. I will be giving the family a link to my smugmug so they can view and share with friends/family. I'm also going to put together a little album for the little girl as my gift to her.
Considering the HORRIBLE lighting...or more like NO lighting, and my lack of proper equipment, it turned out half-decent i suppose...well, you be the judge....
This is my 1st ever crack at it and 1st crack at ANY organized event. If you can provide some feedback, that would be great so I can improve for next time... (hopefully by then i'll have a proper flash unit.. :thumb )
So I made a home-made diffuser and went in for battle :huh It was quite something... trying to be at the right place at the right time, everyone looking 10 different ways becasue there are 10 different cameras trying to take photos of everyone... it was definately hard work. I really wasn't a fan of taking the "family portraits"... lol... the location wasn't that great and the lighting has horrid :rolleyes
Anyways, enough of my whining...below are some of the results. I'm not thrilled about them, but i'm also not completely disappointed I guess. I came out with over 300 photos, which i cut down to about 130 and there are still some in there that i'm not too thrilled about, i I guess about 100 is going to be the real number. I will be giving the family a link to my smugmug so they can view and share with friends/family. I'm also going to put together a little album for the little girl as my gift to her.
Considering the HORRIBLE lighting...or more like NO lighting, and my lack of proper equipment, it turned out half-decent i suppose...well, you be the judge....
This is my 1st ever crack at it and 1st crack at ANY organized event. If you can provide some feedback, that would be great so I can improve for next time... (hopefully by then i'll have a proper flash unit.. :thumb )
have a very strong red cast. Like this one:
After a quick touch up:
I think you did an excellent job too, given the limitations you discussed in the other thread.
BTW - I was in Toronto just last week end, what a lovely city, even if it did snow:D
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Pyrtek - thanks for the touch-up example... i totally see your point and i'll defiantely play aroud with this. I shot everything in manual mode and out of the white balance options, i went with the more -reddish (as opposed to blue) tone... i will defiantely tone this down... thanks !
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Just holler if you need any help.
All you have to do is dial in one shot and use those settings for all the images. You may need to nudge the shots a little bit, but they will be very close and you only had to work out one image.
Pyrtek is way better than me in post. But I'm no slouch.. If you need another hand. I can help out too.
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
#2 is particularly striking.
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It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Here are a few more pics:
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