View NX vs Project Picture and MS Vista
Does anyone know how to make View NX my default program to transfer pictures instead of Picture Project?
Currently when I insert my SD card in my laptop slot, Picture Project pops up to do the transferring. I would like to use View NX instead.
I have Windows Vista. I found the place on the control panel to choose how to open pictures. Currently there are a variety of options including picture project. However View NX is not on this list. I'm looking for a way to make View NX appear on the list of programs to use to open pictures.
Currently when I insert my SD card in my laptop slot, Picture Project pops up to do the transferring. I would like to use View NX instead.
I have Windows Vista. I found the place on the control panel to choose how to open pictures. Currently there are a variety of options including picture project. However View NX is not on this list. I'm looking for a way to make View NX appear on the list of programs to use to open pictures.
Or you could post in Pupators Unsolicited Vista advise thread..
Found the answer to my own question. There is another piece of software called Nikon Transfer that replaces Picture Project. The program Nikon Transfer allows you to transfer picture from a SD card to you computer and then opens ViewNX.