Sadness and hope in Helsinki weather.

Everything looks so sad right now out there. It's rain, darkness and wind and more of the same. What little light we have is #75 low-pressure sodium brownish yellow (still hasn't cleared up, schmoo...).
There's hope though, if you look for it.
Walking down a street lit for Christmas.

The banners flew for Independence Day.

An invitation to get out of the weather.

Having a cup of tea.

And the train that takes you home.
There's hope though, if you look for it.
Walking down a street lit for Christmas.

The banners flew for Independence Day.

An invitation to get out of the weather.

Having a cup of tea.

And the train that takes you home.

Lovely light. thanks for the post
What I particularly enjoy is how differently people see things and pay attention to diverse details. The light, the feeling... I can't help noticing I've made the blue cross in our flag black every time I skim past this set.
Wedding Photographer Glasgow | Scotland
SWPP Pet Photographer of the Year 2010
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I love your shots at night! A beautiful balance of shadows and details, almost reminds me of what an older private eye movie would look like if it were done today.
What was your aperture set at? Shutter speed? ISO? Just curious.
Keep up the good work!
North View Studio
Montreal, Canada
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
I love that reference to private eye movies!
Got the whole scene playing in my head now:
It's a dark, gloomy, drizzling evening. A slow moody sort of acoustic tango is playing in the backround.
Our somewhat slumped, scruffy looking protagonist walks into a small pub to get out of the weather. No one there but the bartender polishing glasses. Our man puts his hat on the counter and sits down. A pint is served without a word.
A couple of lines on slow business follow as our man sinks a fast one. The record ends and a jukebox in a hazy corner starts rattling it's way to another 45.
Sound of two gun shots echo their way in.
The bartender throws an empty look at the window and says: "I suppose you should look into that then."
"I reckon," says our man, "but you better give me another pint first."
A new record starts playing...