girls hs bball
used my d300 with a 50mm 1.8 then tried a 2.8 later. first try for me
what is the minimum shutter speed for you guys shooting this. I tried to keep iso about 1000 & I under exposed alot & brought them back in pp.

what is the minimum shutter speed for you guys shooting this. I tried to keep iso about 1000 & I under exposed alot & brought them back in pp.

**If I keep shooting, I'm bound to hit something**
I usually shoot at 1/400 and iso 1600. You're loosing a lot of detail in the eyes with your technique.
it's not the size of the lens that matters... It's how you focus it.
aaaaa.... who am I kidding!
whoever dies with the biggest coolest piece of glass, wins!
thanks Sean...that's exactly what I was wondering ....more games monday & tuesday to work on it. i appreciate the info.