Nut Cracker Christmas Series- Cartooned

Seasonal Nutcrackers - These are Stienbach Nutcrackers which my wife collects. They only come out during Christmas. I took these shots 6 years ago with my Canon Powershot G2. I added the cartoon effect to mask the lack of equipment at the time. :rofl
Dorthy (Wizard of Oz Series)

Cowardly Lion

The Tin Man

The Scare Crow

A Christmas Carol

Uncle Sam

Father Christmas

Mr. Y2K

The Gate Keeper

The Wine Maker

The Pirate

King Christian Stienbach


Father Noel

Alice in Wonderland

Baker Breadmaker
Dorthy (Wizard of Oz Series)

Cowardly Lion

The Tin Man

The Scare Crow

A Christmas Carol

Uncle Sam

Father Christmas

Mr. Y2K

The Gate Keeper

The Wine Maker

The Pirate

King Christian Stienbach


Father Noel

Alice in Wonderland

Baker Breadmaker

If you don't have creative enthusiasum all you have is a camera in your hands!
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Wow that is some collection
My favourite is the Tin Man, and Mr Y2K .
My mother enjoys a hobby of making dolls and bears and all manner of things....... hobbies are fun things.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful collection
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin :thumb
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Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
I've been trying to talk the wife into selling a few of them so I can expand my lens collection. Or maybe a 5D would be sweet. We could put a few good lenses to much more enjoyment. She won't have anything to do with it though....
Thanks hope you enjoyed my Christmas Series...
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Visit us at: a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink
Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
The more I look at them the more evil they look. Then again I would look evil too if I was made to bust nuts with my mouth.
See ya....
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Hey, what was that old 1970's horror flick about the yound couple buy this old house and theres these little monster type guys living under the fire place... they hate light and while they are dragging the girl off to a certain doom, she grabbs up a camera and starts taking photos of them with the flash and it scares em ... good movie.. Then there was the one with the little tribal statue that the instructions read "if the chain falls off (it had a little chain around its waiste) the statue will come alive" and guess what, it came off and this little tribal warrior dude with a spear tried to kill the I watch too much bad horror movies i know.. but i cant help it, B movies ROCK!!! :thumb
Visit us at: a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink
Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
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