Tide's in.....Dirt's out !!!! Tide's in.....Soap's out!!!!! The Miracle Wash .. My Mom used it.... I would have poped the colors......but I over do saturation..
Thanks for sharing....... HOPE THIS TIDE'S YOU OVER.....barb
Tide's in.....Dirt's out !!!! Tide's in.....Soap's out!!!!! The Miracle Wash .. My Mom used it.... I would have poped the colors......but I over do saturation..
Thanks for sharing....... HOPE THIS TIDE'S YOU OVER.....barb
I put on a mask and popped the colours on the top half to counteract the wicked reflection that washed the boxes out. I tried to pop the whole thing after that but then I pulled back...what I was doing was making it a little too pink. Oh well, I Tide.
Oh I love dumb puns... :ivar
well they're stacked up pretty tide
sigh.. i'd better get to something productive
Ahhhhhh I recognize that brand.
Not sure that we have it here in Australia,
but I have used it in USA
Yep I think I'd say the Tides ... IN
Good shot Moni ..... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks for sharing....... HOPE THIS TIDE'S YOU OVER.....
I put on a mask and popped the colours on the top half to counteract the wicked reflection that washed the boxes out. I tried to pop the whole thing after that but then I pulled back...what I was doing was making it a little too pink. Oh well, I Tide.
Oh I love dumb puns... :ivar
Nothing to do with it, I know! lol