
Unofficial LPS17 Feedback Thread



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    DalantechDalantech Registered Users Posts: 1,519 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    pemmett wrote:
    In no particular order.

    Thanks :cool
    My SmugMug Gallery

    Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
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    DalantechDalantech Registered Users Posts: 1,519 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    Thanks David! :cool
    My SmugMug Gallery

    Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
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    NanaMoNanaMo Registered Users Posts: 189 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    Thanks so much!! bowdown.gif

    renstar wrote:
    No entry from me this week, so here are my top 8 in order. The top three really spoke to me for some reason and seemed to hit the theme dead on.

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    DalantechDalantech Registered Users Posts: 1,519 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    These are the images that really stood out for me, in the order they were posted.

    #10 Fractured -Excellent composition and I like the hint of color in the eye. The image creeps me out Kerry, but I like it mwink.gif

    #12 Wabi-Sabi Window -Excellent lighting and composition -worth printing and framing Paul... :cool

    #20 Pink Bubblegum II -The light and composition are spot on, and it looks like the model had a lot of fun with the shot! Well done Tlee!

    #27 Corroding the Cranium -The composition, lighting, and the focus on the leading eye are very well done! I also like the your interpretation on the theme Pemmett -very well thought out!

    #37 Cavity! ...No Problem. I like the way you bounced a flash off of the ceiling for mood and then used a harsh, directional light for the subject shatch!

    #45 Eyes that have Seen too Much -Good photography is about story telling and if it were not for the rules that shot wouldn't need a title. Excellent work Awais!

    #49 Piscine Spirit -Wow! Just a really cool image and I like how the fish blends into the ground on one side and stands out from it on the other. Well done Jwear!

    #51 Imprint -Love the symmetry between the leaf and the stump (each a part of a tree, the cracks in the stump and the lines in the leaf, etc.) and the lighting on this shot -very easy to take an image like that one and the leaf would look completely flat. Another photo that deserves to be printed large and framed LiquidAir... :cool

    There are a number of honorable mentions, but I thought that some of the images for this round were literal interpretations of the theme words...
    My SmugMug Gallery

    Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
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    The Curious CamelThe Curious Camel Registered Users Posts: 943 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    Thanks so much to Everyone that has included me. It means alot to be included in your lists as a contender.

    Paul McKee. Just wanted to say that I know it was last minute but I did redo the vignette around the corners as I thought the same thing. This was the first photograph of this type for me so I am learning and expanding also. Thanks again for your encouragement.

    I sure hope the judges seen that to :)
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    TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    Thank you to everyone that included "Fall of Man" in their top picks! I am truly astonished and humbled at the honor. Good luck on another great round!
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    PaulThomasMcKeePaulThomasMcKee Registered Users Posts: 429 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    Paul McKee. Just wanted to say that I know it was last minute but I did redo the vignette around the corners as I thought the same thing. This was the first photograph of this type for me so I am learning and expanding also.

    Thanks for pointing that out to me Gail. I fixed the thumbnail in the mosaic and also removed the vignette comment from the text.

    I thought that by waiting until after the close of the contest that I would automatically get the most current versions of the entries. I now understand that I also need to clear my browser's cache.

    I found your entry a unique and artful take on pregnancy.
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    The Curious CamelThe Curious Camel Registered Users Posts: 943 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    Thanks Paul, I deeply appreciate your encouragement as I admire your work also.
    Peace and good luck to you, gail:D

    Thanks for pointing that out to me Gail. I fixed the thumbnail in the mosaic and also removed the vignette comment from the text.

    I thought that by waiting until after the close of the contest that I would automatically get the most current versions of the entries. I now understand that I also need to clear my browser's cache.

    I found your entry a unique and artful take on pregnancy.
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    ifocusifocus Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    Thanks for the feedback
    Thanks for the feedback everyone! It was another amazing round. --JY
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    NanaMoNanaMo Registered Users Posts: 189 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    renstar wrote:
    No entry from me this week, so here are my top 8 in order. The top three really spoke to me for some reason and seemed to hit the theme dead on.


    Thanks Renstar!!! clap.gif

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    sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2007
    While we wait...
    I do not have many of my nails left so I guess sitting on the edge of my seat will have to suffice.

    Thank you so much! to everyone who included "Return to the beginning" in your favorites list. It's nice to know what your peers feel.

    Here is my favorite 12 for LPS 17


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    TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2007
    Ozone wrote:
    That is a subject that is near and dear to my heart as per the PM.

    Again Ozone, I really appreciate that you saw the composition and beyond and not just the "lack of beauty"...

    When you think about it "When is Decay Beautiful?"

    Even the decay in a physical sense, that cannot be viewed by the human eye is never pretty, for you tend to see the "after effects" of the process...for instance the "Withering Heart" of a Loss of Love....the decay of the human spirit is not always visible to the eye, but the characterisitics are!!

    Take Care and Best Regards
    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
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    Me&MyCandi(5D)Me&MyCandi(5D) Registered Users Posts: 72 Big grins
    edited December 12, 2007
    Does it normally take this long to see the official winners or did I miss the post? ... the last round seemed be posted pretty quickly.
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    LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2007
    Does it normally take this long to see the official winners or did I miss the post? ... the last round seemed be posted pretty quickly.

    I think the results are being held up because Shay is offline.
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    DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,951 moderator
    edited December 12, 2007
    LiquidAir wrote:
    I think the results are being held up because Shay is offline.
    Yup, I have no idea where he is ne_nau.gif
    moderator of: The Flea Market [ guidelines ]

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    sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2007
    DoctorIt wrote:
    Yup, I have no idea where he is ne_nau.gif

    I did get a PM from Shay answering a question I had, on December 9th

    In the message he mentioned recently moving to California or possibly in the middle of the move - basically he was saying he was up to his eyeballs.
    so.... I am guessing he is either sans internet for a spell or just so busy he had to put his internet life on hold.

    Maybe someone knew this, maybe not ne_nau.gif

    Either way - hopefully he will find his way back to the matrix by this weekend.
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    DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,951 moderator
    edited December 12, 2007
    sherstone wrote:
    Either way - hopefully he will find his way back to the matrix by this weekend.
    He didn't mention anything, so we'll sit tight for a bit. Since these finalists don't have any bearing for the moment, the only effect waiting has is that it will make it harder to find judges that are not already entrenched in this thread.

    If I don't hear back by this weekend, I'll pick some judges myself and go ahead as normal.
    moderator of: The Flea Market [ guidelines ]

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    LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2007
    sherstone wrote:
    I did get a PM from Shay answering a question I had, on December 9th

    In the message he mentioned recently moving to California or possibly in the middle of the move - basically he was saying he was up to his eyeballs.
    so.... I am guessing he is either sans internet for a spell or just so busy he had to put his internet life on hold.

    Maybe someone knew this, maybe not ne_nau.gif

    Either way - hopefully he will find his way back to the matrix by this weekend.

    I saw him at the smugmug party (in Mountain View, northern CA) last Friday and he mentioned relocating to Southern California, but I wasn't clear on how far he was into the process.

    BTW, I posted this image (in the People forum) as proof he was at the party:

    Hitchcock Sighting at the smugmug Party

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    fashiznitsngrinsfashiznitsngrins Registered Users Posts: 220 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2007
    DoctorIt wrote:
    ... the only effect waiting has is that it will make it harder to find judges that are not already entrenched in this thread...

    It would be helpful to have clarification on the current theme, but I suppose that I'll shoot for what I think it is and hope that I am right, but be willing to reshoot if I am not ne_nau.gif
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    DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,951 moderator
    edited December 13, 2007
    It would be helpful to have clarification on the current theme, but I suppose that I'll shoot for what I think it is and hope that I am right, but be willing to reshoot if I am not ne_nau.gif
    when have we (by we I mean Shay) ever really "clarified" a theme? lol3.gif

    I'll paraphrase bluntly what Shay would say:
    It is what it is, by now, LPS should have taught you how to interpret your given assignment. thumb.gif
    moderator of: The Flea Market [ guidelines ]

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    TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2007
    DoctorIt wrote:
    when have we (by we I mean Shay) ever really "clarified" a theme? lol3.gif

    I'll paraphrase bluntly what Shay would say:
    It is what it is, by now, LPS should have taught you how to interpret your given assignment. thumb.gif

    im new around these parts (dgrin)
    im still a noob (1yr mark) with photography
    ive looked at the winners entries of the past.
    i cant see what lps should have taught on how to interpret,
    so take a 2x4 and hit my over the head....
    is LPS all about technical only ? i came into it with the thought it was all about creativity/art/technical combined (obviously using the topic as a subject)...
    im going to go re-read the threads and see if i can get straightened out!

    btw, i hope shay didnt get lost and cant get back across the border...
    (ive heard of that happening to a guy i know...ya, thats the ticket...)
    Aaron Nelson
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    LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2007
    im new around these parts (dgrin)
    im still a noob (1yr mark) with photography
    ive looked at the winners entries of the past.
    i cant see what lps should have taught on how to interpret,
    so take a 2x4 and hit my over the head....
    is LPS all about technical only ? i came into it with the thought it was all about creativity/art/technical combined (obviously using the topic as a subject)...
    im going to go re-read the threads and see if i can get streghthened out!

    LPS is about capturing the hearts and minds of the judges. I look at it this way: you win by creating a compelling image. When you get in a tight race (and they all are) you'll get docked for your technical flaws and for missing the theme.
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    TangoTango Registered Users Posts: 4,592 Major grins
    edited December 13, 2007
    thanks, ok so im not too far off, that statment kinda made me think or second guess about how we should be doing this, just kinda got me wondering.....
    now, off to figure out the compelling part:D
    Aaron Nelson
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    davidweaverdavidweaver Registered Users Posts: 681 Major grins
    edited December 14, 2007
    Thanks to all that used my pic for the background of your favorites. :-)
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    fashiznitsngrinsfashiznitsngrins Registered Users Posts: 220 Major grins
    edited December 14, 2007
    Thanks to all that used my pic for the background of your favorites. :-)
    Laughing.gif! Okay, it took me a minute - but when I got it, I laughed! :D
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    tleetlee Registered Users Posts: 1,090 Major grins
    edited December 15, 2007
    Laughing.gif! Okay, it took me a minute - but when I got it, I laughed! :D

    Me too! rolleyes1.gif

    T :D


    "Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
    ----Ruth Ann Schubacker
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    kp-pixkp-pix Registered Users Posts: 191 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2007
    rolleyes1.gif well I liked it David thumb.gif
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