MkII... this is simply Canon's way of saying "version 2". You see it on lenses, flashes and camera bodies: 50 1.8 Mk II, 580EX Mk II, 1DSn MkII.
For the most part a MkII is an improvement. For a very few lenses, a MkII is not an improvement: The 50mm 1.8 Mk II is the same optically as the Mk I, but Canon replaced the metal mount with a cheaper plastic one. The 580EX MkII improved on the 580EX Mk I by including a better flash mounting foot as well as a PC connection.
Yes. Key is an EOS lens, which Canon calls "EF". Any EF lens, as well as the "EF-S" lenses, will work with a 20D.
Older lenses, signified as 'FD' lenses from Canon, will not work.
For the most part a MkII is an improvement. For a very few lenses, a MkII is not an improvement: The 50mm 1.8 Mk II is the same optically as the Mk I, but Canon replaced the metal mount with a cheaper plastic one. The 580EX MkII improved on the 580EX Mk I by including a better flash mounting foot as well as a PC connection.