'We don't ship to your country'.. but we do.

When selecting 'Scotland' from the country drop-down in the cart, it pops up "we don't ship to your country" when clicking on the 'shipping address is the same as billing'... yet it works for 'United Kingdom'.. can we have this fixed please? :wink
Stuart Walker Photography
Wedding Photographer Glasgow | Scotland
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Wedding Photographer Glasgow | Scotland
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Wedding Photographer Glasgow | Scotland
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I had the same problem for Italy and notified the helpdesk. There is a workaround for this. Un-check the box stating that shipping address is equal to billing and add the shipping address manually.
At least this worked for me.
Cheers, Sergio
I'm sorry for the delayed response. We depend on our lab to offer Scotland as a shipping destination and it looks like they only have United Kingdom listed. Is United Kingdom officially used for your postal address or do you receive your mail with Scotland as the shipping country?
In the meantime I would suggest using United Kingdom as your billing country as well as this should work around this issue.
SmugMug Support Hero
Hi Sebastian.
Usually only 'United Kingdom' would appear on the full 'overseas' postal address, but I have also seen 'Scotland' used. Also, it is quite common for people in England to use that instead of 'United Kingdom'.
Any chance of having the individual UK countries removed from the drop-down list? The same problem happens when selecting England, Wales or Northern Ireland. When people are given a choice I think it would be natural for them to select their own specific country unless they see 'United Kingdom' first.
I could add some text somewhere on my site to advise people to select 'United Kingdom' only.. but whether people see it or not
Many thanks.
Wedding Photographer Glasgow | Scotland
SWPP Pet Photographer of the Year 2010
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Sergio: What has been the exact problem with Italy? Entering it as my billing country, the checkbox to use it as the shipping country as well, worked without a problem. Please provide us with some more details.
SmugMug Support Hero
I attach a screenshot. I tried just now: I'm logged, I put a pic in the cart, I go to step 2 (billing and shipping); I add my credit card details, I select "use same address as billing" and I get again the message:
http://photo.sergioandreozzi.com/photos/233495702-L.png (the email was canceled from the image)
if I unclick the box and I add manually my address, it works.
I hope you can repeat and find this problem. My platform is Win XP + SP2 + Firefox
Cheers, Sergio