*found!!!* help me find this lens

zeiss distagon 21mm f/2.8 no dealers have them in stock. i'm looking to buy one (or a hundred, if you come across a container-ful). please ask your friends, your friends' mom, grandpa, etc. if you have in your town, or know of a dealer that handles used zeiss glass, i'd be obliged if you made a phone call :bow
i will compensate you for your trouble if you can help me locate this gem.
thanks in advance.
i will compensate you for your trouble if you can help me locate this gem.
thanks in advance.
oh please
don't tease me! i've seen pricegrabber, a zillion times. no retailers here in the u.s. have them.
thanks for trying though!
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i was born at night, but it wasn't last night
i've checked all the usual sources. i've googled till i'm goggle-eyed. i've got mates in europe, asia, and oz looking for this for me ... but .. the more the merrier so your help is appreciated.
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Michiel de Brieder
michiel has found, this "un-findable" lens for me, at a little dutch camera shop
thank you michiel!
and, since it's *all about the food*, i'm sending you some extra euros so that you can enjoy a nice meal out on me (we expect photos!).
thanks michiel, you rawk!
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Michiel de Brieder
funding complete, m8
btw - anyone else, i'll buy more of these if you can find 'em
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could you tell us about this lens?
also, I have a DsMK2 and a 20D for backup(same as you I think)...do you find yourself using the 20D less and less in favor of the MK2? Mine seems to be spending a lot of sitting time lately...just wondering if others are finding the same thing.
after humungus-sized lens research for wa options on canon ff bodies, the universal conclusion is that the zeiss distagon 21mm f/2.8 is the bees knees. nothing approaches it's level of sharpness when tripodded, stopped down to say f/8, f/11, and shooting landscape (can you say yosemite?)... there's some thoughts and findings of mine in this zeiss distagon thread as well as some 100% crops. you focus manually. and you need to buy an adapter to mount the lens on the canon mount. adapter is about 120 bucks.
the zeiss glass is hard to find, rumors about no more production have sent prices thru the roof. a 1/2 dozen recently sold at auction on fm for well over 2000usd. i'm now the proud owner of an distagon 18mm f/4 and thanks to michiel here, the distagon 21mm f/2.8 (really really really reall hard to find!).
your second question -- i do not have a 20d for backup, only the 1Ds Mark II...
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So,.....did you get any leads on more anywhere else? how about the 18mm/f4?............for Yosemite.
i have the 18 f/4 and i'm sure i'll be parting with it now i've found the 21 ... interested?
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Hi Michiel,
I too am seeking the 21mm 2.8 Distagon. I work for Philips. I have a colleague going to Eindhoven next week. Any help you might provide to get me connected to one of these lenses so he can bring it back would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
I had loads of luck finding the one for Andy (although it took me just 15 minutes
Michiel de Brieder
there's a feeding frenzy for this glass...
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Why did you sell your Zeiss 21 and 18 just a day after looking for a 21? The dates of the posts are so close its hard to tell which happened first.
Did you already have a 21 and think it a bad copy, or did you finally get the sought after glass and find it not as good as billed to be?
Just curious
the glass is stellar.
i was searching for the ultimate wa lenses for my canon 1Ds Mark II. and then after finding them, i ended up changing from the full frame camera back to a 20d.
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I sometimes wonder myself.
But I must carry on!!!!
Oh my
oh it's really worth it! the 1Ds Mark II is an outstanding piece of gear. i'm really glad i used it for three months. for my particular style of shooting, though, the 20d is better suited. if i did, say, 1/3 studio, 1/3 'podded landscape work, and 1/3 situational & street work, i'd have kept it. but, i do maybe 2/3s situational and street work, and 1/3 landscape. and a bit of studio but not much.
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