wireless remotes?

I was disappointed to see the very short corded remote for the 40D and was told the only wireless remote available for it costs $600+!!!! Is there another non-Canon option that won't cost as much as a lens? I found this option tonight...
Anyone have this or have any other suggestions? Thanks!
Anyone have this or have any other suggestions? Thanks!
Elinchrom RX Skyport here.
PW's cast a bunch. But they are rock solid and will NEVER let you down.
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
I can second that, I have one in the Nikon flavour, and they work absolutly great.
Apparently they only work with the Rebel series.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
You can bounce the IR signal off a wall to get around a corner, but 100% reliability is not promised.
This is just so you get what best fits your needs.
Thanks for the tip! Looks like a less expensive version of the one I found at Adorama. I'll look into it.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Thanks! The 40d doesn't seem to have IR remote capability anyway.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I can't figure out if this one has a two-second delay, so if you're doing a self-portrait type shot, you have time to hide or drop the remote before the shutter clicks. Can you tell me please?
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
But I don't think you can read that thread if you are not a paying member so I will repost here. Please pardon the photos they were not taken to be artistic but more of a report from an honest guy so you can make a decision if it is right for you:
Ok here is my report.
Here is what it came with:
You will see a a cable release with about a 2 ft. cord on it. A receiver and the remote. I included the quarter myself(you will not receive one with yours) so you could get a feel for the actual size.
In this photo is my setup:
This is my 30D on it's tripod. I am using my Tamron 28-75 lens at 28mm. Attached to the camera is the cable release, then the reciever is plugged into the cable release.
First I took a photo with me about 8 ft. away from the camera:
This photo is the one I took as far away as possible:
I estimate I was about 50 ft away.
Pardon my dogs they were confused as hell.
My opinion:
In the ebay ad it does say it will take photos up to 100ft away from the camera. This did not happen in my case and I had a clear view of the camera. No FCC tags on this stuff so I assume it is illegal to use this remote in the US. I seriously doubt the Remote Police will be patroling anytime soon though. Ok so I will now list the + and - of this product for me.
The "+"s:
1)It works at least 50 ft. away.
2)You can use it on a 20D, 40D, Rebel XT or Possibly the 300D Rebel without the cable release.
3)Easy to setup and get rolling.
The "-"s
1) It is illegal(although I have never seen anyone police this)
2) odd batteries (1 - CR2 and 1 - N)although I probably won't replace them often.
I think it was worth the $54.95 spent to finally have a remote for my 30D. If you are wanting a remote for your 30D or Rebel XT I say buy it. B and H Photo carries this for $100. I say buy it off ebay for half the price.
Couldn't you just set the camera to have a 2 second delay, then just use the remote to trigger it? In theory whatever the camera is set to for a shutter delay then the remote will do. All the remote is doing is replaceing the shutter button.
Duh! Thank you!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
That said, I have a TC-80N and an extension cord as well. It is smaller, easier to set up than the PWs and it has a whole collection of timing, sheduling, and delay features. The TC-80N is an essentially piece of my landscape shooting bag.
Caveat emptor.
V2's: Straight out of the box. Didn't work. Went back and forth w/ a CSR named Henry (which is easy to work w/ and very CS oriented) to troubleshoot. Bottom line. The transmitter was a lemon. Rendering the three receivers useless.
They are definitely worth the money, and you will get a refund/replacement if it doesn't work. But you pay the S&H to Hong Kong and will end up waiting another 3 weeks (after they receive them) if you don't shell out extra for express delivery.
And when all is well, they do work perfectly right out of the box. Just playing the devil's advocate here.
CSR customer service representative.
CS Customer service
I didn't see the thread migrate over to shutter remote.
Please disregard.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Sorry guys n gals. I'm amazed it went that long w/o someone getting confused!
My powers of observation lately have been amazing!
What's on 2nd?
I don't know!
He's on 3rd!!
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