SPK64 wrote: Any able to get the "Create Card" to work? Here is as far as I get. Clicking Cards does nothing.
SPK64 wrote: Found it Custom domain thing..... This should be added to the help page and not buried in Dgrin.....
pics-ell wrote: wait. what? i'm having this problem too, but whatever conversation ya'll just had was over my head! enlighten me please!
pics-ell wrote: nevermind. got it. i'm a little slow today... sorry! any way to use more than one photo on a card?
Found it
Custom domain thing.....
This should be added to the help page and not buried in Dgrin.....
Sorry about that. It's not by design, it's a bug that we are working on fixing.
wait. what? i'm having this problem too, but whatever conversation ya'll just had was over my head! enlighten me please!
nevermind. got it. i'm a little slow today... sorry! any way to use more than one photo on a card?
Aside from combining the photos in Photoshop or something, the answer is not yet. Sorry!