Geo coding example from Ruby API

I just threw this example together to show off some of the Ruby API feature. Note you need the latest version of the gem (0.9.7) for this example (included in the examples directory of the gem).
Note the handy each_XXX method now available when parsing results from API (and feed) calls. I am going to clean up this code soon (when I have a free moment or two) and fix it to interpolate lon/lat settings based upon time -- like way points. If there is interest I could make a web based front end for people who do not want to install Ruby (of course if you are running Leopard you already have it :-).
require "rubygems" require "smugmugapi" SmugMugAPI.api_version = '1.2.1' smugmug.login("",'password').chomp) do albums = smugmug.albums.get albums.each_album do |album| puts "Album Title: #{album.title}" locations = [] lost = [] smugmug.images.get(:album_id => do |image| info = smugmug.images.get_info(:image_id => if info.longitude && info.latitude locations << [info.longitude, info.latitude] else lost << end end unless locations.empty? # average the locations, would be better to interpolate, based on time/location longitude = locations.inject(0.0) { |t,v| t + v.first.to_f } / locations.size latitude = locations.inject(0.0) { |t,v| t + v.last.to_f } / locations.size lost.each do |id| smugmug.images.change_settings(:image_id => id, :longitude => longitude, :latitude => latitude) end end end end
Note the handy each_XXX method now available when parsing results from API (and feed) calls. I am going to clean up this code soon (when I have a free moment or two) and fix it to interpolate lon/lat settings based upon time -- like way points. If there is interest I could make a web based front end for people who do not want to install Ruby (of course if you are running Leopard you already have it :-).