Smugsaver 1.1 released

GarethLewinGarethLewin Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
Still windows only

New in 1.1 are the two most needed features

- It now caches files, so it won't send a request to smugmug for every single file.

- You can now tell it what size to download. It will fallback to smaller sizes if the size you ask for is not enabled in the gallery.

I have also updated the webpage with better info on the various settings.


  • scottescotte Registered Users Posts: 39 Big grins
    edited December 14, 2007
    awesome job looks great!! My wife will be happy about this.

    One thing. The ability to choose the color backgorund for the slideshow. I think it would look great with a black bakcground.

  • GarethLewinGarethLewin Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited December 15, 2007
    scotte wrote:
    awesome job looks great!! My wife will be happy about this.

    One thing. The ability to choose the color backgorund for the slideshow. I think it would look great with a black bakcground.


    Ask as you shall receive, SmugSaver 1.2 is on the same page, all that I added was the ability to pick your background color.
  • GarethLewinGarethLewin Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited December 17, 2007
    Ask as you shall receive, SmugSaver 1.2 is on the same page, all that I added was the ability to pick your background color.

    Oops sorry, I had only updated one of the download links, not both of them, so 1.1 was still linked from the top link.

    Please download again if you want the ability to select the background.
  • scottescotte Registered Users Posts: 39 Big grins
    edited December 17, 2007
    Very nice!! Thanks looks awesome.
    I will ask or suggest another thing if possible, a fade transition between images.

    Looks great asis though,, my wife loves it.

  • firstdraft33firstdraft33 Registered Users Posts: 28 Big grins
    edited January 15, 2008
    This is great.
    Thanks for posting this, it is great. :D
  • afarberafarber Registered Users Posts: 267 Major grins
    edited January 16, 2008
    I'm getting an error with smugsaver every time it runs. The screensaver starts fine, connects to smugmug and begins to show a slideshow, but at some point while I'm gone it stops. The error box is not terribly helpful, but here it is. This time, the error message appeared over my desktop background. Often, though, it appears over a photo from the slideshow that was playing but stalled. Any idea what could be wrong? I am so eager to use this, but it's a drag to come back to my desk and see this instead of a beautiful slide show.


  • pe2smugmugpe2smugmug Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited January 16, 2008
    Feature Request
    Great Job on smugsaver. I installed it on my parents machine the last time I was home and my mom loves it. bowdown.gif

    As a possible feature, I was wondering if it might be possible to setup the source to be a sharegroup? I have a sharegroup setup with galleries that I want to let my parents see, this way they only have a single link they need to keep track of and they have all the latest pictures of the family. It would be great, if I could setup their smugsaver to use a sharegroup, so when I add a new gallery of pics I want to share, they come right up on her screen saver.

    Anyway, love the software!
  • TexasFamilyTexasFamily Registered Users Posts: 100 Major grins
    edited January 17, 2008
    passwd protected galleries/site
    i sent you an email to [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] but it returned with permanent failure.

    just some comments/notes/suggestions...

    L.A. still says version 1.1
    my email has a (+) in it...i don't think it likes that when trying to authenticate
    i can not get it to work with site passwd/gallery passwd

    for dual monitors can you show two different images
    nice to have grandma just enter site nickname/passwd and not my login/passwd to view images

    i also like the idea about sharegroups mentioned before.

    also what about popular gallery...keyword galleries...

    i tried a few other galleries and it works great...

  • GarethLewinGarethLewin Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited January 20, 2008
    Hi Guys.

    I have a small list of stuff to do with SmugSaver, and will try to get to them ASAP (this week hopefully).

    @afarbar, I have no idea from that image. I tried to capture as many errors as I could to display useful information, I will try to add something at a more global level to catch problems.

    @pe2smugmug, I have never heard of a sharegroup, I'll see what I can do.

    @TexasFamily, my email should work, that is strange, [email]smugsaver@<REMOVEME>[/email]. I will have to find a way to test emails with non alphanumeric characters in them. As to the dual monitor issue, that is probably going to have to wait a bit more.

    Right now I am mainly maintaining SmugSaver 1.x, I have started (slowly because work has started taking a lot of my time) a rewrite in C so I can have both a Mac and windows version (and probably a Linux one). So any feature requests will probably be delayed until SmugSaver 2.x, but please people ask for stuff, so I know what to add. And I also might add stuff that is easy to 1.x
  • mjohnsonperlmjohnsonperl Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins
    edited January 23, 2008
    @pe2smugmug, I have never heard of a sharegroup, I'll see what I can do.

    I hadn't heard about them either... so I did a little digging and found it in the Control Panel. Looks pretty interesting, and I agree it would be great to have support for sharegroups for the screen saver.

    As a screensaver it might be neat to have a list of multiple albums, and then each time the saver starts up it will pick a different album from the list. That way if you have multiple albums you want to see on the screen saver you get a variety over time. Each time the saver starts up it only displays a single album... but throughout the day or week you end up getting to see the other albums at times too. A list of multiple share groups or albums might be nice.

    For instance, I would probably group different categories into sharegroups, and have a list of say:
    My Baby Girl
    Scenic Shots
    Family Fun
    My Wedding

    So then there would be a variety of different images, but each group would be displayed related photos in either a sequenced order, or randomized.
    for dual monitors can you show two different images
    nice to have grandma just enter site nickname/passwd and not my login/passwd to view images

    That's a neat idea... I think I would like to see that too. I have two 20" LCDs on my desk in our small living room, and if you had it alternate which display changed images, it would look pretty cool.
    I'm getting an error with smugsaver every time it runs.

    I downloaded the 1.2 version and tried installing over 1.0 and I got some error when the screensaver loaded each time also. I ended up uninstalling everything involving SmugSaver, then installed 1.1, and got everything working. Not sure exactly what fixed it, I was just glad I was able to get it working an not have to go a full day without the screen saver working. :-)

    GarethLewin: This is a great application, thank you so much for the hard work you have put into this!thumb.gif
  • devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited January 23, 2008

    One very minor bug when I initially installed this, the Image Size slider was in the second last position and the size was being displayed as Large, probably a small hiccup from implementing the new image sizes.

    I'd like to see...
    - transitions between photos...I had it running on a notebook next to the computer that I was woerking on and I found the flicker from the image changes a little distracting espically when changing aspect ratios.

    - Since which ever image size is selected, the resulting image is stretched to full would be nice if SmugSaver made an initial first guess at the optimum image size based off the screen resolution.

    - Support for feeds, I reckon it would be pretty cool to run the all-time popular feed.

    It's looking great... congrats thumb.gif

    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
  • GarethLewinGarethLewin Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited January 23, 2008
    devbobo wrote:

    One very minor bug when I initially installed this, the Image Size slider was in the second last position and the size was being displayed as Large, probably a small hiccup from implementing the new image sizes.

    I'd like to see...
    - transitions between photos...I had it running on a notebook next to the computer that I was woerking on and I found the flicker from the image changes a little distracting espically when changing aspect ratios.

    - Since which ever image size is selected, the resulting image is stretched to full would be nice if SmugSaver made an initial first guess at the optimum image size based off the screen resolution.

    - Support for feeds, I reckon it would be pretty cool to run the all-time popular feed.

    It's looking great... congrats thumb.gif


    Transitions are high on my list, but might wait for the C++ rewrite.

    The small bug aside (I probably didn't init the control correctly) I might either try to guess based on resolution on first run, but maybe just an "Auto" option would be better.
  • sdunbarsdunbar Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited January 24, 2008
    Great Job! Some questions.....
    Excellent job on SmugSaver! I have a few questions re: setup. Is there any way to include a config / settings file with this to setup automatically? If not, is the data held somewhere in the registry? I am looking to send this to my parents and grandmother + it would be cool if I could send along a .reg file or something to set it up for them.

    If not, no worries!
  • afarberafarber Registered Users Posts: 267 Major grins
    edited January 24, 2008
    I downloaded the 1.2 version and tried installing over 1.0 and I got some error when the screensaver loaded each time also. I ended up uninstalling everything involving SmugSaver, then installed 1.1, and got everything working. Not sure exactly what fixed it, I was just glad I was able to get it working an not have to go a full day without the screen saver working. :-)

    Hmmm...I'd like to try unistalling and using 1.1, but I can't find it on the site. Where can I download 1.1?

    This is a much needed app for Smugmug. Nice work and thank you!!!
  • mjohnsonperlmjohnsonperl Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins
    edited January 24, 2008
    afarber wrote:
    Hmmm...I'd like to try unistalling and using 1.1, but I can't find it on the site. Where can I download 1.1?

    This is a much needed app for Smugmug. Nice work and thank you!!!
  • GarethLewinGarethLewin Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited January 24, 2008
    afarber wrote:
    Hmmm...I'd like to try unistalling and using 1.1, but I can't find it on the site. Where can I download 1.1?

    This is a much needed app for Smugmug. Nice work and thank you!!!

    I doubt there are bugs in 1.2 that you won't have in 1.1, but if this helps tell me.
  • afarberafarber Registered Users Posts: 267 Major grins
    edited January 26, 2008
    I doubt there are bugs in 1.2 that you won't have in 1.1, but if this helps tell me.

    Will do. I have a mac here at home, so I'll have to try it on Monday at the office.
  • afarberafarber Registered Users Posts: 267 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2008
    I doubt there are bugs in 1.2 that you won't have in 1.1, but if this helps tell me. difference. Oh well. Here's hoping the next version works better on my machine.

    Thanks again for taking the time to build this. I'm very excited for the day this works on both my work pc and my home mac!!
  • brocotbrocot Registered Users Posts: 165 Major grins
    edited December 12, 2014
    Still windows only

    New in 1.1 are the two most needed features

    - It now caches files, so it won't send a request to smugmug for every single file.

    - You can now tell it what size to download. It will fallback to smaller sizes if the size you ask for is not enabled in the gallery.

    I have also updated the webpage with better info on the various settings.

    The link is dead. Is there a other way to get it ?
    Thank You
    Nikon Z5 - D7200/Nikon AF-S DX Nikkon 10-24mm/10-24dx/105mm prime/Nikon 200-500sb900/
    Hello, :thumb Mi Smug :
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,417 moderator
    edited December 12, 2014
    brocot wrote: »
    The link is dead. Is there a other way to get it ?

    I would guess this doesn't exist any more. The post containing the link is from 2007!

    --- Denise
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