What's a CGT file?

I recently switched from downloading my images directly from my camera to loading with a card reader (much faster!). Formerly, I would create a folder(s) into which I would send the files. I named these files Source to designate them as digital negs and make copies from this file (this was largely pre-RAW, so I was able to view the images and sort them right out of the folder)
Now I'm downloading the files with the card reader into a folder I've created named Download Folder, and a bunch of stuff is showing up there, including: a folder named DCIM, in which there are two folders: 353 Canon, and CanonMSC. (I think the images were in 353Canon - they are now in their own folder - I now sort and move the images, using zoombrowser, to new folders on my desktop).
Within the CanonMSC folder there are two files: 353.CGT and D.CGT. What the heck are these things? Do I need them for anything?
Thank you in advance.
Now I'm downloading the files with the card reader into a folder I've created named Download Folder, and a bunch of stuff is showing up there, including: a folder named DCIM, in which there are two folders: 353 Canon, and CanonMSC. (I think the images were in 353Canon - they are now in their own folder - I now sort and move the images, using zoombrowser, to new folders on my desktop).
Within the CanonMSC folder there are two files: 353.CGT and D.CGT. What the heck are these things? Do I need them for anything?
Thank you in advance.
Interesting. When you download via the camera connection you seem to only get the image files. This may have to do with whatever software is seeing (reading) the files.
When you *transfer* files from a card or stick to a computer you get all the files related to the images. For Canon you will get an image file and you will also get a corresponding CTG file.
Poke around. I think the CTG files appear in a separate directory, but I'm limited in my Canon knowledge. Look for the image files to see if you have them on your computer. It is also possible that you are only transfering the CTG files and not the image files. Check that too.
Oh...the CTG files likely contain image information only, metadata.
So, what to do with these cgt files? When I relocate the images, they seem to function fine with the cgt files left behind.
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