
Lightroom Copyright question (simple)

SloYerRollSloYerRoll Registered Users Posts: 2,788 Major grins
edited December 17, 2007 in Finishing School
I'm sure this is blazingly obvious and I'll regret asking...

I've finally found a reason to export files w/ a watermark via Lr. I know where to go to manually enter the copyright in the library module. (see screen grab below to see where I'm talking about) But I'd rather change it from the source so whenever I check the copyright box, it drops it into the image.

I know there's an IPTC window somewhere that has this info on it so I can make changes. I just don't know where to find it.

So just to make sure I make sense:
I'd like to be able to change the existing text that's in my copyright info box to my standard copyright line so it will export this text to any image I export and select the use copyright option. How do I do this?


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    IcebearIcebear Registered Users Posts: 4,015 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2007
    Are you trying to get the text on your photo or in the metadata?
    John :
    Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
    D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
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    aktpicsaktpics Registered Users Posts: 106 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2007
    SloYerRoll wrote:
    I'm sure this is blazingly obvious and I'll regret asking...

    I've finally found a reason to export files w/ a watermark via Lr. I know where to go to manually enter the copyright in the library module. (see screen grab below to see where I'm talking about) But I'd rather change it from the source so whenever I check the copyright box, it drops it into the image.

    I know there's an IPTC window somewhere that has this info on it so I can make changes. I just don't know where to find it.

    So just to make sure I make sense:
    I'd like to be able to change the existing text that's in my copyright info box to my standard copyright line so it will export this text to any image I export and select the use copyright option. How do I do this?
    Sorry Jon, I am not 100% sure I know what you are asking. But could it be the Metadata preset on the right panel in library. If you choose edit preset from the drop down, you get a window where you can enter that in.

    Your screen grab isn't showing up btw...
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    SloYerRollSloYerRoll Registered Users Posts: 2,788 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2007
    I knew I did a rotton job explaining. So I'll try again.

    When exporting images in Lr. THere is an option to include copyright data on the actual image. What I'd like to do is know where do I find the dialog box that changes that data?

    I found it when I was forst learning lightroom and put "test1" in that field jsut so I could reference where it showed up etc..

    I remember the dialog box looking like a web form.

    make sense?

    If not, I jsut need to wait till tomorrow so I can walk away from it and re-approach it.

    Thanks for your willingness to help though!
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    davidweaverdavidweaver Registered Users Posts: 681 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2007
    Watermark copyrights....hmmm.... = waste of time.
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    aktpicsaktpics Registered Users Posts: 106 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2007
    SloYerRoll wrote:
    I knew I did a rotton job explaining. So I'll try again.

    When exporting images in Lr. THere is an option to include copyright data on the actual image. What I'd like to do is know where do I find the dialog box that changes that data?

    I found it when I was forst learning lightroom and put "test1" in that field jsut so I could reference where it showed up etc..

    I remember the dialog box looking like a web form.

    make sense?

    If not, I jsut need to wait till tomorrow so I can walk away from it and re-approach it.

    Thanks for your willingness to help though!

    I know it is available on IMPORT but I don't know where it would be for export. If you find it let me know.

    The following you probably know already, but I am going to post it just in case - i'm going to bed soon.

    You can use the meta preset to change all of the images you are about to export. If it is only for exporting, and you don't want to change it on what's there you can create virtual copies first, then delete them after.

    Or, you can probably attach that info in ps. Create a droplet and put that the post-processing section of the export.

    Good luck
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    cmasoncmason Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2007
    It is within the metadata section of the Library module. Make sure that you have "all' selected in the Metadata section, "Default' does not show IPTC.

    Once you select all, you will see it and can edit. I have this set as part of my import options, it automatically adds my name and copyright.
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    IcebearIcebear Registered Users Posts: 4,015 Major grins
    edited December 16, 2007
    When does it matter??
    Only on export. So long as it stays on your machine, who cares? SO guess what . . . it gets applied in the Export function from Lightroom, in the Image Settings Dialog. Ya just check "Add Copyright Watermark" and Lightroom sticks whatever you have in the "Copyright" (quelle suprise!) field in the Metadata block on the exported file. You could put "Hi Mom" and Lightroom wouldn't care. GIGO.
    John :
    Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
    D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
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    SloYerRollSloYerRoll Registered Users Posts: 2,788 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2007
    Thanks to everyone that helped out. Icebear helped my small brain out offline and it was easy as cake! (I knew it wasrolleyes1.gif)

    Below is a screen cap showing where you go to bring up the form field IPTC data box I was talking about. Just click on presets!


    cmason wrote:
    Once you select all, you will see it and can edit. I have this set as part of my import options, it automatically adds my name and copyright.
    Thanks cmason. This was the answer I got from Icebear. I just didn't see your post till afterwards.
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    aktpicsaktpics Registered Users Posts: 106 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2007
    Icebear wrote:
    Only on export. So long as it stays on your machine, who cares? SO guess what . . . it gets applied in the Export function from Lightroom, in the Image Settings Dialog. Ya just check "Add Copyright Watermark" and Lightroom sticks whatever you have in the "Copyright" (quelle suprise!) field in the Metadata block on the exported file. You could put "Hi Mom" and Lightroom wouldn't care. GIGO.
    It seems like when I check that box on Export it puts whatever is already in the Copyright field for that image as a Watermark. It doesn't do anything to the ITPC data on export. If that field is empty, it stays empty. Maybe I am doing something wrong...
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    IcebearIcebear Registered Users Posts: 4,015 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2007
    aktpics wrote:
    It seems like when I check that box on Export it puts whatever is already in the Copyright field for that image as a Watermark. It doesn't do anything to the ITPC data on export. If that field is empty, it stays empty. Maybe I am doing something wrong...

    No, you, and it, are doing exactly what is supposed to be done. You fill in the Copyright field, and when you check the box to add the watermark it does just that with whatever you previously put in the field. What I meant was that if you put "Aunt Matilda" in the Copyright field, that's what's going to show on your image if you check the Add copyright box in export. GIGO. The computer don't think for you.

    "Lightroom sticks whatever you have in the "Copyright" (quelle suprise!) field in the Metadata block on the exported file. You could put "Hi Mom" and Lightroom wouldn't care. GIGO."
    John :
    Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
    D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
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    aktpicsaktpics Registered Users Posts: 106 Major grins
    edited December 17, 2007
    Icebear wrote:
    No, you, and it, are doing exactly what is supposed to be done. You fill in the Copyright field, and when you check the box to add the watermark it does just that with whatever you previously put in the field. What I meant was that if you put "Aunt Matilda" in the Copyright field, that's what's going to show on your image if you check the Add copyright box in export. GIGO. The computer don't think for you.

    "Lightroom sticks whatever you have in the "Copyright" (quelle suprise!) field in the Metadata block on the exported file. You could put "Hi Mom" and Lightroom wouldn't care. GIGO."
    I guess I just misunderstood what Jon was looking for. I was thinking he wanted something that updated the Metadata on export only.
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