Rate Bayer's Photoshoping.. 2 sets

I 'fixed' both of these.. Original first.. I didn't go midevil w/ the sharpening this time.. :rofl Very minimal..

I'm gonna work on this one next...

I'm gonna work on this one next...

Auto enthusiast. I drive a 2000 Camaro Z28. LOADED w/ mods.
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.
As for the flag, I like what you have done with the colors of the flag; particularly the reds and whites. I'd back off a bit more on the sharpening; its just a touch too crispy for my taste. However, the clouds have suffered in the process; they are looking more grey rather than white leaving the whole sky looking flat and lifeless.
As for the candle, it looks like the focus was on the reflection rather than the candle itself. If it were mine, I'd reshoot with enough depth of field to get the whole thing in focus rather than trying to rescue this shot in Photoshop.
In LAB, I did something like Dan Margulis' Man from Mars technique on the A and B channels (really steep curves, with a pivot point slightly off center for each), and dialed it back to about 20%. Then I did a hiraloam sharpen on the A and B channels, through a luminosity mask that had been overlayed on itself. Then a smart sharpen on the L channel at 80, .8. Convert to RGB and then added a slight vignette.
Cool.. Thanx boss... I can't reshoot the Candle.. It was a spur of the moment thing I had at my PME Graduation. (Professional Military Eduacation).. THat was at the General's table. I'm just drawn to blue light for some reason.. I LOVE it!! THey used ice and blue light cubes too!! VERY cool!!! :ivar I would love to get a pic of that!!
I see what was done w/ the candle. I think I need to adjust the saturation on my camera.. THat may be my problem from dull pictures... Not enough color.. But you really have to kick this camera in the arse to get it to take a good pic.. If you TRY, it won't work.. It seems to work best at the spur of the moment pics..
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.