CFSmug Released (a ColdFusion Wrapper for the SmugMug API)
Update: CFSmug has moved to Google Code! (2008-06-15)
New URL:
If anyone is interested in helping out with the project, drop me a line and I'll add you as a developer to the project. I have most (all?) of the new security changes committed, but wanted to further test them out before making a new release.
After seeing some info about the API, I decided to try writing my own utilities, and in the process of doing that I have created in ColdFusion a collection of CFCs that are a wrapper for the SmugMug API.
So now we have... CFSmug!
CFSmug is almost a 1:1 mapping of the API, but I have made some changes where I think its appropriate. Results are returned as ColdFusion arrays and structures (or simple values), making it very easy to use. It is based on the 1.2.0 verison of the SmugMug API. Every method is implemented, except for smugmug.images.upload, where I have used the preferred HTTP PUT instead. CFSmug was developed on ColdFsuion 8, but should work on versions 6 and above.
Downloads are available from the link at the top of the post.
New URL:
If anyone is interested in helping out with the project, drop me a line and I'll add you as a developer to the project. I have most (all?) of the new security changes committed, but wanted to further test them out before making a new release.
After seeing some info about the API, I decided to try writing my own utilities, and in the process of doing that I have created in ColdFusion a collection of CFCs that are a wrapper for the SmugMug API.
So now we have... CFSmug!
CFSmug is almost a 1:1 mapping of the API, but I have made some changes where I think its appropriate. Results are returned as ColdFusion arrays and structures (or simple values), making it very easy to use. It is based on the 1.2.0 verison of the SmugMug API. Every method is implemented, except for smugmug.images.upload, where I have used the preferred HTTP PUT instead. CFSmug was developed on ColdFsuion 8, but should work on versions 6 and above.
Downloads are available from the link at the top of the post.
Answering your questions out of order, I've got it most (hopefully all) of the code with the recent security changes on my local environment (as well as some fixes to other random bugs I found), but it needs some more QA. My original plan was to hold off on the newer version of the API until it went out of beta, but it could probably be switched over without much effort (I just didn't want to code to a moving target). I was originally planning on putting it up on Google Code as well. Currently I am really busy will my full time job (and a 6 month old baby boy!), but hopefully in a couple weeks I can find/make time to clean up what i have and get it out there. Any help is greatly appreciated! Send me a PM with your email and I'll keep you posted when its ready.
CFSmug has moved to Google Code!
New URL:
If anyone is interested in helping out with the project, drop me a line and I'll add you as a developer to the project. I have most (all?) of the new security changes committed, but wanted to further test them out before making a new release.
(parent post also updated with new information)
Most likely the problem is the smugmug security changes, v1.0 of CFSmug was written before they were implemented. You can try the latest from the trunk, which do have (hopefully all) the changes, but it still needs more testing/QA. Take a look:
It has to be something simple.
I created a basic form to submit the same auth data to the rest api and I got back a valid session id, so something is funky with the cfhttp request I guess. I was able to plug the sessionid into my script and go (copy all my captions into my keywords for searching). But obviously I shouldn't have to do that.