Picture Framing

In another thread, I was shown how to make my fonts appear to be transparent. Now I've become kind'a okay at doing it, but now I wanna learn how to frame my pictures using Photoshop as you see in the photo I posted. It isn't mine. I found it at http://www.epaperpress.com/psphoto/index.html.
I've been searching for a step-by-step guide on any site that will show how to do it, but haven't really found anything. Can it be done using PS7, or do I have to get a plug-in to make this work? There was some kind'a tiny plug-in the site said to d/l to use, but it didn't work—or at least I couldn't figure it out. Or maybe there's another program that has many kind'a frames that can be used if it can't be done in PS.
The one in the picture here is a poster frame. I like it. I'm sure there are other kind'a frames I will like. This is something else I need to learn so I can do photo work for my church.
I've been searching for a step-by-step guide on any site that will show how to do it, but haven't really found anything. Can it be done using PS7, or do I have to get a plug-in to make this work? There was some kind'a tiny plug-in the site said to d/l to use, but it didn't work—or at least I couldn't figure it out. Or maybe there's another program that has many kind'a frames that can be used if it can't be done in PS.
The one in the picture here is a poster frame. I like it. I'm sure there are other kind'a frames I will like. This is something else I need to learn so I can do photo work for my church.

Feel free to link any photos though. and direct the punters to Frames/Poster.
Well, then I dunno how to explain what I wanted to do without someone else's picture. If I knew how to do it, I wouldn't have posted it. I understand the © laws, but I did say it was not my picture. If I went around claiming this and that picture was mine, and they weren't mine, I can see how that would be breaking the © laws.
Well, hopefully someone will understand what I'm wanting to learn how to do with the details I gave now that there is no picture,`cos there's been people who have asked me to be more specific, and a picture is the best way. So, anyone know how to do picture framing using PS7 or some other software?
We simply do not allow people to post others photos & that is a non negotiable.
There are plenty of people in the forum that can assist you & im sure they will follow the links we have posted & go to the site & look under 'Frames/Poster '. PS 7 is well capable of doing what you have asked.
Here's a pretty easy PS7 tut on how to make a border. This one is nice since it uses layer effects and you can tinker w/ layer effects to get cool results. Just try checking different boxes to see what happens.
To replicate that border. Just use the free transform tool to reduce the size of the image by a bit. THEN follow the tutorial. Just change the size of the stroke to change the size of the border.
The tut looks a bit hokey. But is works if your just learning how to create a border.
If you have issues, just screen cap and post back in here.
BTW it was the 4th Google hit when I searched for, "ps7 border tutorial"
Kilo, if you go to the link in your post -
At the bottom of the chapter headings on the left side of the webpage, is a whole series of techniques that very clearly show how to make frames in Photoshop. It is entitled "Frames" - click on that
This is a very nice website that displays image editing techniques quite simply, and clearly. I have added it to my bookmarks. Thank you.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Sorry! What I meant was—the © law, not the rules of DG. I figured if I let the world know it wasn't my picture and posted where I got it from, the ©-police wouldn't be knocking at my door.
Thanks! But it will only give me an inner and center border, which eats up my pictures. I need it to create a border on the outside. I set it on the place in PS where it says Outside, but it won't do anything.
Thanks! But none of that worked for me. I even d/l their lil' PS plug-in... still nothing.
"It doesn't work" is not a very good problem description. Can you be more
specific so that we can help you?
Only thing I know to say is that all the prompts I've followed do not work. Here's the newest site I found... http://www.chainstyle.com/tutorials/frame-layer-styles.html It looked to be the best one so far, but after following their prompts, my picture was blank—either with a solid color or with wild color combinations. It even showed a place where there are frames to choose from, but only a few, and none of them are what I want. Any frame I chose, made my picture blank after loading and saving. PS is not easy at all to me.
I did this using Paint, but it takes too long to do it there. I have to do it this way until I can figure out how to use PS.
Also, I would like to add what I think they call a transparent bevel to trim around the insdie of the frame like in the picture in the first link I posted.
Hope this isn't against © rights to put a picture in here that was already factory installed into my PC.
If so, go ahead and delete it.
Try the tutorial here:
Then let us know which step your having a tough time. As others have said, the learning curve in Photoshop can be pretty steep. But it does get much easier w/ time.
Just take your time, follow a tutorial that makes sense to you and give detailed account of what step you don't understand. And we will get you up and running.
Oh, and NEVER open MS Paint again if you own Photoshop
Okay, thanks! I will try to make this work, and also... try not to open Paint.
If you post picture you want to frame, we can help you frame it and may be send all the layers to you via email (photoshop). This way you can each step that was done.
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Yeah, Photoshop 7.0 is what I have. Never really played with it until recently, and of course I'd like to learn everything about it, but at least for now learn how to poster frame my pictures. like the ones of Thomas Neimann.
Now this is what I like and want... plus a thin inner transparent bezel border, which I can't figure out how to do in PS. With this picture, I had to go
back again into Paint (Microsoft's Paint—not Corel's PainShop) to get what I wanted. I've been to many online tutorials and found them to be high-tech
talk, or quite the opposite of what I was looking for. Like one said go to Filter > Artistic > Poster Edges, and it made my picture look like it was
an oil painting. I was expecting a poster frame, but that was so not what it was about.
Anyway, this is what I wanna do. Not that you all don't already know, just wanted to show ya this is the only way I know how to do it is to do it in
MS Paint. I know the sides are not equal in width, but it was the best I could do in 7 to 8 minutes. I'm sure PS could have made the framing all equal
and centered. When I tried it in some kind'a way that a site told me to do it, it would not create a border on the outside of my picture... it would only
create a border on the inside and/or outside, thus covering up my picture, and I don't want it to cover up any part of my picture... plus in PS, I couldn't
get it to be different widths at all 4 corners. Well, let me know if anyone has an easier way to do this in PS.
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Yeah, now that's nice. All kinds of ways do it, but no luck yet for me trying to do any kind'a framing in PS. I just got home from work. It's now almost 1:00am, so I'll try to keep fooling with it until I get sleepy. Lemme guess... ya did it with one arm tied and blind folded?
I have PSCS3 and PSPro 9 and XI, and I find that creating posters is easiest and fastest in PSPro.
All you need to do is use their "add borders" menu item and choose the color and size for your initial border around the photo, repeat the same for a different color and size, repeat with whatever colors and sizes of other "borders" you want to achieve the look you want, and you're done. Add some text with shadow, etc. and save. It only takes a few minutes. If you want the beveled 3d look, choose the menu item "buttonize" at the appropriate place in the process.
I know we can do the same thing in PSCS3 by expanding the canvas, but it sure seems easier in PSPro. (I use ver. 9 but XI does the same thing).
The photo attached was processed using PSCS3, then I used PSPro to create the poster using "add borders" and text.
Here's one with two thin inner borders for an alternative:
Then I try to get a pin stripe border on the outside of the picture, and it just flat out won't do it. It only wants to do it on the inside and/or center, thus taking away part of my picture... the bigger the border, the less of my picture will show. I want it to be on the outside so that all of the picture will show. I'm about to give up on that border feature. As for the inner glass bevel border, I haven't figured that out either.
I don't wanna have to go to a technical community college for a couple years and spend Lord only knows how much money just to learn 2 or 3 things in PS. Could it be my PS software is missing some controls or has some issues? `cos I can't get it to do the things I want in neither of the computers here.
- Choose Image > Canvas Size then choose a Canvas extension color (the color you want your border to be).
- In Width and Height boxes, increase the numbers shown by a small equal amount in either pixels or inches. The amount will be the size of your new border.
- Don't change the Anchor position.
- Press OK when done.
You should have an equal size border of the chosen color around the outer edge of your photo.
You can repeat the process for other colors and sizes to create a border / poster effect similar to my examples.
To have a small top border and a larger bottom border like in a poster, you can use the Anchor selection. You'll probably want to click on the upper middle box in the grid, then experiment with the Width and Height settings to get the size that you want. You might have to do this several times to add the same color border on top of each other to "build" your frame to the dimensions you want.
If your results don't look right in your experimentation, you can always use Ctrl-Z or your History to back up and try again.
Alternatively (and probably easier), you can use the above procedure to create your colored "outline" borders and then use the following to create your larger "poster" area around those borders:
-Set your background color to whatever color you want the poster to be.
-Zoom out so that you can see lots of grey screen area around your photo.
-Select your Crop tool and clear the Width, Height boxes.
-Drag the crop tool around the extreme outside edges of your photo including whatever borders you have previously created.
-Grab the side or corner points (the small boxes on the corners and middle of your crop selection) and expand the crop selection outward beyond the photo to whatever size you want your poster to be.
-Perform the crop and you should have a poster size border around your photo.
You can now crop or resize to fine-tune as necessary.
There might be other ways to do this and someone else might have a better way, but in CS3 this is the way that I'm familiar with, so I thought I'd mention it here.
Hopefully this procedure will work with the version of Photoshop that you have.
Like I previously mentioned, creating these borders is a heckuva lot easier in Painshop Pro (IMHO), so if you have a chance to get it free after rebates (like I did) or cheap, you might want to consider that if only for doing this type of thing. I started out many years ago with PS Pro and used it for creating borders and posters as well as processing, then years ago I switched to Photoshop CS, then recently to CS3. Old habits die hard as I still use PaintShop Pro for borders and posters sometimes when I need them. Probably after doing the "Increase Canvas Size" or the Crop routine in Photoshop a zillion times it will be second nature to you and you won't need any other options such as PaintShop Pro.
Hope this helps,
Merry Christmas everyone!
Is that what you were trying to achieve?
But I still haven't been able to achieve what I originally started out to do, much less yours frame styles. I'm on vacation now. Ten days of it. It started today. Last day will be the 30th. I won't be able to work on any kind'a frames the entire vacation, but I will try to keep playing with PS7 half the time that I'm home. I hope I don't have to buy CS3 or CS2,`cos those are not anywhere near affordable. I heard PS7 cost $609 back in 2002, but so far I've had no luck with PS7.
I've purchased PS upgrade versions for around $150 so I don't think you have to go spend $6-700 on the latest release. I do think there is a limit on how far back you can go to upgrade but it's on the back of the box. Check out Frys or similar stores or on the web. Or, Google Photoshop ugrades or something similar. You might be surprised.
Just mhy $.02.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged