How did I do?
This can be fustrating, trying to get it just right!!
(see other post for pics)
(see other post for pics)
5D3, 7D, 50 1.4, 580EX, EFS 70-200L 2.8 IS MkI, 1.4x TC, 24-70 MKII, 85 1.8,(that's it ...for now)
What are you using to process your images?
Don't take this as offense. I think every person that picked up Photoshop or any image editor has been guilty of this..
It looks to me like all your adjustments were a bit too much. This is really easy to do though, since as soon as you bump up that slider. It just looks so much better! The only problem is that most of the time it ends up looking a bit un-natural. This is just a matter of time for you to get a better eye. So don't be discouraged. (the easiest way to overdo it is using the shadow/highlight tool. It seems that your bringing out all the detail and it looks so good. Then a bit down the road you'll see the halo's and after effects that make this process look unnatural)
My personal goal when dealing w/ images (Unless I'm going over the top or designing for a project) is for it to look like it never went through Photshop. I like the image to look like it came straight out of the camera.
While your learning. It's good to have a reference photo that you know is spot on. Open it up and place it side by side w/ the processed image. Your not trying to match the image. Your just giving your brain something to look at so it can tell you if your post is going well or if it's overdone.
This advise is more generic than specific to this image and is intended to get you in the state of mind to create the best possible images through post. Of course it's a wonderful thing to create your own style. But beofre so, I think it's vital to know how to make the image look like it wasn't Photshoped. Then you can do what you please!
Just my .02
Otherwise I think you are doing great - for these sort of shots I'm relying more and more on a standard set of photoshop Actions which help no end.
Keep them rolling
What is Lab Colour space?
Web Site:
Not to my liking, but could be worse. I wish I would have done a better w/b correction. I'm using (trying to use) Litghroom, and mostly PS.
Played around with this one on my desktop, crt monitor...