pricing help... please

I received a request for use of one of my images for a hard cover book, initial print - 35,000 copies, cover image.
They want my permission, a W9, and an invoice... I have no idea about pricing... or anything else involved with use of an image, on/in a book, by a major publisher.
Any info, advice will be very much appreciated. HELP please!
They want my permission, a W9, and an invoice... I have no idea about pricing... or anything else involved with use of an image, on/in a book, by a major publisher.
Any info, advice will be very much appreciated. HELP please!
Settle for no less than $750. And that's for a non-exclusive license for the 35,000 press run. Same price again for second printing.
How's that for an answer. May be wrong, but it's concise.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
I really appreciate your help... THANKS
I like that answer.
Is it normal to be very nervous? I am a excited, but possibly more nervous than happy. Weird, not what I expected. But I wouldn't mind if it happened again in the future.
Send them the W9 and invoice for $1200. What'r they gonna do?
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
The Stock Price Calculator says the high/low/average price for license fees for similar use is:
Type of Use:: Editorial
Specific Use:: Books - Consumer / Trade
Press Run:: 10,000 to 50,000
Size:: Cover (Front)
Low Price:: $800.00
Average Price:: $1,275.00
High Price:: $1,700.00
Survey ::800
"Chance favors the prepared mind." ~ Ansel Adams
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." ~ Terry Pratchett