Proof Books?

Does Blub offer proof books, I wonder? I'm after a pretty straight forward layout -8 1/2x11, hardbound, with 9 or so images per page with file names that I would include with the price of a wedding. There are a couple of sources here in the Boston area, but it would be great to just load the wedding gallery images directly to Blurb from my SmugMug site. (Cost would also be a factor) Thoughts or suggestions, please. Thank you!
Okay, I'll answer my own question. I saw a nice proof book over at Mpix, will give that a try. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
I can not speak for anyone else but mine came back pretty much right on. I do not have a calibrated monitor and was quite concerned. For the most part the pictures quality is very good. I had a few shots that I knew would be a problem and they were but they came out just fine. I feel confident that with a calibrated monitor, using the color profile info i got through one of the forums on the site, the book would have matched the preview very closely.
I did not bother to print a proof off of my computer because of the color profile mismatch with my own printer.
I do not know if this helps but it is the best I can do.
Hi, Kuzzy - thanks for your response. Good to hear that you are happy with Blurb's work. What type of book did you purchase? In my cursory glance at Blurb's promo page I did see lovely displays of art-quality books. My inquiry was more along the lines of the standard proof book - a straight display of rows of images with file #'s, nothing artistic at all. In the past I have ordered a set of prints from SmugMug directly from a couple's wedding gallery and inserted them into an album - tedius and annoying, fighting with those plastic sleeves! - something besides a digital gallery and a CD to present. I do not do wedding albums, per se, being that there are so many great on-line book services out there these days. I did once create a lovely book using a pre-made ink-jet album, creating all the pages in Publisher, then printing and assembling. Trust me, there's not a bride in the universe who could afford to pay me for the time it took to create this item - but it was gorgeous.
I did see, at Mpix, but have not tried it yet, a good looking, spiral-bound proof book with a choice of black or white pages and options for paper and #'s of images per page - this is what I'm after, just wondering if Blurb also offers this style.
I took a peak at your photos - very nice sports shots and landscapes! I see you're in Framingham, I'm nearby, in Brookline (though I am on the Vineyard today - I live a dual life) . I get out to Framingham to shop at the Fabric Place from time to time.
Thanks again! - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
Did you find out if Blurb offers a "proof Book" ?
Im also looking for a proof book similar to MPIX.
Thank you
I've used them both, and they're really outstanding quality books.
I wish someone had a few more choices for customizing the front of the books though.
________________ -
Toys: Nikon D3x, D300s w/MD10 grip, D300, Fuji S3Pro &S2Pro,
Nikon 18-200 VR, Nikkor 80-200 2.8, Nikon 105mm 2.8
We use blurb for our proofbooks right now. Here's a link to the one we have on our website. We just make contact sheets in photoshop and drop them in as pages. It worked quite nicely.
I decided to do the same thing. Im waiting for my sample due today.
One question for you , in photoshop when you make the contact sheet, how are you getting all the images to be correct side up.
When I tried all the images were eith vertical or horizontal. Also I could nt find a choice to add the image #.
I will post my book later
After reading comments from others I was a little worried that it wouldnt meet my expectations.
The colors are right on. (my monitor is calibrated.)
The quality is very good for the price. Im happy with this and will be using Blurb for all proof books.
A Message for Blurb:
First , Thank you!
The program to make the book was very slow, at the same time , very easy to use. The templates are limited, but I can make my own in photoshop if I need. My book came wrapped in plastic, and packaged properly, but, (yes I know, sry) UPS nicely messed that up . As you can see in the photos, They must have put something heavy and sharp on the package. The outer hole goes through both box layers and into the book.
For the others who have had color issues in the past, make sure your monitor is calibrated. If not, get a calibration device , then recheck the images you processed before the calibration.
For the ones who had a bad experience , give them another try, were all humans and make mistakes.
Thank you to smugmug and staff for bringing Blurb to us.
I think that is for now, I hope I didnt forget to mention anything else that might be helpful.
Darn my png's will not load , Im sry to have to do this, you will have to go to this link to see the photos
I don't know if I should sing the praises of whcc's press printed books...I'll have to try a blurb book to see, but I'm pretty sold on the whcc ones! They also have these amazing little flip top albums and a great proof book system. Here is a link to the flipbooks...
Here is a link to my flip tops...LOVE 'em!