Does anyone have a good source for bulk Christmas Cards? I'm probably looking for an order of like 2500 or so. I have found a couple of places but they wanted like $0.60 each.
Does anyone have a good source for bulk Christmas Cards? I'm probably looking for an order of like 2500 or so. I have found a couple of places but they wanted like $0.60 each.
Vistaprint can get cheaper than that, but I wasn't happy with what I ordered from them this year. It looks like they used some automatic color processing that didn't come out well (and they don't proof anything to keep costs down), and the pictures were somewhat grainy. I had good results from them last year on calendars, so they seem to vary greatly in their quality. Note that their best unit price seems to be at 1000 per order ($0.34 I think). If you want the cheapest, go with them. If you want great quailty, spend the extra money elsewhere.
I will recommend the company that printed my calendars this year, Very good service and quality.
I just did an online quote at their site for 5x7 pre-folded greeting cards. For quantity 2500, the per unit price is .15 each. Add 2500 envelopes to the order (at .11 each) so your total would be .26 each.
I tried Vista Print for a small order this year and my quality was very good. However, the company that I would be doing the order for wants the cards pre-folded. I don't relish the thought of folding 3000 cards!
.60 is the best I have found.. I been getting .75 cents!
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust
Vistaprint can get cheaper than that, but I wasn't happy with what I ordered from them this year. It looks like they used some automatic color processing that didn't come out well (and they don't proof anything to keep costs down), and the pictures were somewhat grainy. I had good results from them last year on calendars, so they seem to vary greatly in their quality. Note that their best unit price seems to be at 1000 per order ($0.34 I think). If you want the cheapest, go with them. If you want great quailty, spend the extra money elsewhere.
I just did an online quote at their site for 5x7 pre-folded greeting cards. For quantity 2500, the per unit price is .15 each. Add 2500 envelopes to the order (at .11 each) so your total would be .26 each.
Thanks for all the responses.
I tried Vista Print for a small order this year and my quality was very good. However, the company that I would be doing the order for wants the cards pre-folded. I don't relish the thought of folding 3000 cards!