Selling books

I've been approached to sell a coffee table book....I did a blurb book up for a portfolio which has made it's round with friends and family and further. Someone emailed me today wanting to buy a copy, and suggested that I sell them with different themes. I just wondered where to start for getting releases.
It would be mainly photos of horses that I have shot during different farm calls, and horse shows. Do I require a waiver from the individuals to use the photos in a book that I plan to publish and sell. I think I already know that answer...but are there any instances where I should be particularly careful. Another biggie, is this something that the photographer generally pays for, or should I just send a waiver and request that they sign and send it back!?:scratch
Anyone with some suggestions for me!?
It would be mainly photos of horses that I have shot during different farm calls, and horse shows. Do I require a waiver from the individuals to use the photos in a book that I plan to publish and sell. I think I already know that answer...but are there any instances where I should be particularly careful. Another biggie, is this something that the photographer generally pays for, or should I just send a waiver and request that they sign and send it back!?:scratch
Anyone with some suggestions for me!?
Yes, you need a release from any individual that is recognizable. This is a commercial use - you can't use their image without their permission. (There are exceptions - you can use an image without their permission if the book or event was "news" and so the use is editorial use rather than commercial use. But usually a coffee table book would not fall into this category.) If any of the horses or properties are famous (recognizable), you should get a property release from the horse/property owner too.
A release is only legally valid when it is given in exchange for "valuable consideration". The most common types of valuable consideration in this circumstance are:
1) Money. It can be as little as $1 but if you say on the relase you are paying for the release, state and pay the value.
2) Free prints. When I want a release after-the-fact I usually offer a free 8x10 or 8x12 in exchange for the release - I ask them to sign and mail the release to me and I mail a print back.
3) Free book or other product often works well when you are using the photo in/on a product.
4) Discount rate from of a package of services - e.g. you charge one rate for shooting photos where they sign a release, and another rate if they don't sign a release.
"Chance favors the prepared mind." ~ Ansel Adams
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." ~ Terry Pratchett