Hide Certain Galleries in Stats View

Currently, I have quite a few galleries up on SmugMug. However, there are probably only about 10-15 that I'm interested in seeing the stats on. Is there any way to enable a HIDE function so I can HIDE galleries so that the Stats page is much cleaner and I can see the information I want to see? Right now I have to scroll down and hunt (or do a page find) for the galleries I'm looking for.
If you have see the way that MS handles Windows updates where you can hide ones and only see new and non-hidden updates, I would suggest that it work something like that. With a link on the page to show hidden galleries.
So...how 'bout it?
And get us package pricing and discounts as well. ;-b
If you have see the way that MS handles Windows updates where you can hide ones and only see new and non-hidden updates, I would suggest that it work something like that. With a link on the page to show hidden galleries.
So...how 'bout it?
And get us package pricing and discounts as well. ;-b
Ian Klimon
A while back I installed StatCounter on my SmugMug site - it works really well, in real time, and allows you to pretty much monitor all of the activity to your site. http://stacounter.com/ It's free and you're allowed 500 hits perday - you can upgrade for a fee.
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True - that's what I meant, I guess. All of the previous entries show up as statistics on a graph. I find it very useful - and interesting to see the activity. I was never convinced the stats on SmugMug were accurate.
www.SaraPiazza.com - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook