
HIgh ISO Saves the Day

SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
edited December 20, 2007 in Technique
I made a boo, boo. (I know, hard to believe. )

Yesterday I shot, (photographed), more of those infuriating collector guns. I seemed to have trouble getting what I wanted, but pressed on, and eventually finished the shoot, and post processing.

Today while testing my wirer less flash remote I discovered my camera was set at ISO 400? I quickly looked at yesterday’s images, and sure enough they were all done at ISO 400.

The good news is it explains some of the trouble I was having yesterday, and even better, even under close scrutiny I can’t see any high ISO (noise) issues at all.

So bottom line, even though I screwed up, the camera's capability saved me. The client will never know the difference.

Whew, dogged a bullet.


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