Candid portrait - comments, suggestions welcomed
Hi all - I'm posting my first picture here, although I've lurked for quite a while. I find myself focusing more and more on this type of photography, and I'd like to get a sense for how I'm doing, and what I could do better. So, with that in mind, here's the picture - shot with the Sony a700, the old beercan lens (70-210 f4) and bounced flash.

Some of My Photos:
Glad I found this place - nice to see more of a focus on photography for a change.
Keep posting
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
yes, welcome-
what marina said and just a little bit of work cleaning up his face (just my thoughts)-
a very nice portrait-
I also like the tight crop and the red background - those work well to me. I could be wrong but he seems to be 'pursing' his lips a little bit - it might work better with a more natural position of his lips. When you bounce flash sometimes you can use a bounce card as well attached to the flash head to throw just a touch of light directly at the subject - get rid of the minimal shadows around the eyes.
Good work - post more.
Thank you for all the feedback and comments. I really appreciate it, especially the info about getting more light around the eyes.