I need that Gimp guy! Jim!

SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
edited March 21, 2004 in Technique
I need to learn how to use this bloody program far better than I already do. Does it translate (terminology/tools/et al) to Photoshop and/or others? I seem to always have the "guide" opened up, but it seems some assumption of knowledge is made. For instance, I've discovered what Gaussian blur looks like, but I don't really know how to use it, how to control it, or how to do something like blurring just the background with it. :scratch

I should probably explore the link Humungus first gave me a bit more, but that, along with much Googling, is not exactly netting me the results I'm hoping for. Could be my search terms, too.. help? :dunno
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  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    What exactly is it that you are wanting to do/use ?
  • SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    Wait til I get the nasty piccies loaded.. Pff! Remove red eye, blur/remove some backgrounds, that sort of thing.. oh yes, stitch together panoramas without having to boot into Windows and use the Camedia software.
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  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    Seamaiden wrote:
    Wait til I get the nasty piccies loaded.. Pff! Remove red eye, blur/remove some backgrounds, that sort of thing.. oh yes, stitch together panoramas without having to boot into Windows and use the Camedia software.
    ok...about the only good thing i found with camedia is the stitch in panorama. It is excellent....i dont bother with the rest of it.
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    SM maybe you could try this


    I am a computer neandethol & have tried many times to get it to work so i dont know if it is valuable or not. I know a lot of great Olympus photographers from other sites use the prog.

    Good luck !
  • SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    What on earth is SDK, firmware for the camera "controller" (???), and.. hrm.. I've not heard of SDK outside of certain development tools. Nor have I been aware of firmware needs for the camera, not to mention being entirely unsure as to whether or not this is something I need/could/should use on the Linux platform. headscratch.gif
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  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    Seamaiden wrote:
    What on earth is SDK, firmware for the camera "controller" (???), and.. hrm.. I've not heard of SDK outside of certain development tools. Nor have I been aware of firmware needs for the camera, not to mention being entirely unsure as to whether or not this is something I need/could/should use on the Linux platform. headscratch.gif
    I have no idea either...im a "lets light it & run" type bloke.
  • SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    Well, after a few minutes more of research, it seems I've at least partially answered my own questions.

    SDK - Software Developers Kit. The wee Linux community can find 'em at sourceforge.

    The proggie you linked to is married to Windows. Hrm. (The more I work in Linux, the more I really dislike Windows, but c'est la vies.)

    I still can't quite sort what the camera controller is or does in relation to the PC, but since I can't find it in my manual (yet), I shall assume it's not necessary at this point.

    Alright, be prepared for some really awful pictures in a bit.
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  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    From what i understand it is a developer giving advanced Olympus users similar prog to what canon gives out with its more advanced cameras. There is the problem of updating your cameras firmware....not to be taken lightly. I will trash my computer for fun but i have a lot of respect for my camera so i havnt tried to update my olympus's firmware.
  • SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2004
    Hhmm.. well, what I need.. or want to be able to do is use the FREE software that's available for that which is opensource, that being more specifically Linux, and that being more specifically (at this time) Red Hat 9. FUBAR.
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  • SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2004
    And! With research comes more results, Grokking the GIMP, is the best book, both online and available for purchase, that I've found. It is to be had at GIMP Savvy
    The maiden is most pleased. icon_cool.gif
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  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited March 20, 2004
    Seamaiden wrote:
    Hhmm.. well, what I need.. or want to be able to do is use the FREE software that's available for that which is opensource, that being more specifically Linux, and that being more specifically (at this time) Red Hat 9. FUBAR.
    No worries.

    Free software is not free (as you are finding out :)).

    The software that came with your camera is probably mostly to download
    images. I wouldn't worry about it "controlling" the camera. You're probably
    using a USB device to download directly from a card. Right?

    If you do want to download firmware, you can usually copy it to a formatted
    CF or smart media, stick it in the camera and power up (Though I don't know
    for sure if you can do this with your camera) and the camera does the rest.
    Otherwise, you're stuck with booting windows on occassion.

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2004
    Nay, Ian, not quite understanding what I would do with said firmware (as I develop no software), I must somewhat disagree - Opensource is a means to an end that costs in time, but gives back in extreme flexibility and useability. You would be surprised what I can do on my free operating system, and the programs I can run, again, all of which are free. The biggest benefit I've found is the abundance of information, you just have to know where and how to look (and be willing to not demand it be spoonfed.. heh..). This program, The GIMP, is another such program. I've just d/l'd and configured a cdburning/ripping program that's got a fantastic GUI, coupled with Audacity (another free program) it will be JUST as useful and powerful as Nero! (Now that's something to get excited about.)

    I know it will take me time to learn this programming - just as it would with Photoshop (yes?), but the folks I know (some of whom are simply brilliant) who are familiar with many OS platforms as well as graphics programs say this program is almost as powerful as Photoshop. It seems (at this point anyway, but I do believe I've already found the tool) that the only thing I may have trouble with is stitching together panoramic scenes.

    Did I mention that all upgrades are also FREE? :D

    One of our presidents once said,
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    And I am nothing if not determined. mwink.gif
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  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited March 20, 2004
    Seamaiden wrote:
    I must somewhat disagree - Opensource
    I don't want to start an OpenSource vs. For profit debate. My work is done
    primarily using tools and OS's that are "opensource" and I am a regular GIMP

    As for the firmware, that's the software your camera runs. You can
    download newer versions from the MFG and install them yourself. Sometimes
    the firmware gives you a new feature and sometimes it's just bug-fixes.

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • fishfish Registered Users Posts: 2,950 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2004
    ian408 wrote:
    As for the firmware, that's the software your camera runs.
    Is not. Else it be called "software".

    Firmware is computer programming instructions that are stored in a read-only memory unit rather than being implemented through software.
    "Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." - Edward Weston
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  • SeamaidenSeamaiden Registered Users Posts: 339 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2004
    Firmware for a camera is something that I am not so familiar with at all. Is it something I really need to be worried about (at this point at least)?

    Ian, if you're a regular GIMP user, and have any direction(s) in which to point me, as the title of my thread implies, I sure would appreciate it.
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  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited March 21, 2004
    Seamaiden wrote:
    Firmware for a camera is something that I am not so familiar with at all. Is it something I really need to be worried about (at this point at least)?

    Ian, if you're a regular GIMP user, and have any direction(s) in which to point me, as the title of my thread implies, I sure would appreciate it.
    Sooner or later, you probably do want to upgarde the fgirmware.

    Most of what I know about gimp, I have learned by screwing around with it. i
    used a ps book for "guidance".

    Generally speaking, the concepts are the same. Just different names.

    PUI Saturday....

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
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