Like a "Bridge" over troubled waters...

Yep! I'm having Bridge issues. I'm not sure if I did anything to Bridge CS3 in the settings or preferences, but for some reason or another, all the jpeg's that I view in Bridge CS3 have a very cool look to them, almost all blue, and very high contrast. I've looked through all the menus, and nothing looks out of ordinary. Also, when I right click a jpeg and choose "open in camera raw", the image opens, but takes on that cool, high contrast look.
Just for comparisons sake, when I open the folder where my jpegs are located, using windows explorer, the images look normal. Same when I open them in Photoshop.
I think Bridge is corrupt, or I'm missing something here.
I'm really confused. Has anyone experienced something like this? :scratch
Just for comparisons sake, when I open the folder where my jpegs are located, using windows explorer, the images look normal. Same when I open them in Photoshop.
I think Bridge is corrupt, or I'm missing something here.
I'm really confused. Has anyone experienced something like this? :scratch
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Thanks, I'll give it a go when I get home tonight.
Goto Preferences (ctrl + k) or (cmd + k)
Select Cache.
Select, Purge Chache.
How does it look then?
Well I forgot to mention in the above reply that resetting the defaults in Camera RAW fixed the issue. It wasn't a Bridge issue afterall. And what I find strangest, is that I never touched anything in Camera RAW.
Amnesiac - No I haven't bought the boxed set yet. I just purchased the music off their site. :P Can't wait to see them on tour.