Well, I thought I was done with the whooping cranes, but...
I decided to go back to my RAW files and process some photos that initially needed some work as they were not exposed properly. The clouds had rolled in from the Gulf and really cut the light. So I stopped down to F5. Unfortunately, I misjudged the light because of the cloudy skies. With F5, the whites came out very hot and that is not good when shooting whooping cranes. :scratch I suppose I should have used F5.6 or even F8. Anyhow, after processing these focusing mainly on shadows, highlights, curves and some slight sharpening, this is what I get. Not bad considering how hot the whites were previously. You definitely can still see some hot spots but these are usable.
The sun was bright for the first hour we were out, but the whooping cranes were far away. Here is a family with a juvenile.

The boat operator/guide maneuvered his boat to get us closer, but then the clouds rolled in.

One whooping crane isolated, but not far from mate and juvenile

Back together

Stopped and pondering what to do next

Meh, just keep walking. Maybe the annoying people with long objects coming from their faces will leave.

You can see much higher resolution pics here: http://www.capture-the-pixel.com/gallery/3895123/1/235060454
Now I think I am through going through my pics, but reserve the right to change my mind. :wink

The sun was bright for the first hour we were out, but the whooping cranes were far away. Here is a family with a juvenile.

The boat operator/guide maneuvered his boat to get us closer, but then the clouds rolled in.

One whooping crane isolated, but not far from mate and juvenile

Back together

Stopped and pondering what to do next

Meh, just keep walking. Maybe the annoying people with long objects coming from their faces will leave.

You can see much higher resolution pics here: http://www.capture-the-pixel.com/gallery/3895123/1/235060454
Now I think I am through going through my pics, but reserve the right to change my mind. :wink