Hood Ornaments from Days Gone By

I stopped by this auto graveyard on Xmas Eve and became intrigued by the hood ornaments of these dinosaurs. Although pitted, rusted and left out in the weather to be subjected to years of neglect, the beauty of thought, craftsmanship, pride and art deco still remain.
Shot with Nikon D80 and 12-24mm f/4 lens.




Hope you enjoyed and thanks for looking. As I am planning on a revisit (and carrying more than one lens) comments on improving are welcome.
Shot with Nikon D80 and 12-24mm f/4 lens.




Hope you enjoyed and thanks for looking. As I am planning on a revisit (and carrying more than one lens) comments on improving are welcome.
I'll not repeat what others say, so, you can call me Brer.
"... but I'll be sober in the morning." - Winston Chruchill
"... but I'll be sober in the morning." - Winston Chruchill
Hi there Kundalini, I am intrigued with image #2,
what car is that ?
Love those old cars and their hood ornaments.
The rust makes for good texture shots
Thanks for sharing .... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Plymouth used stylized sailing ships/schooners through the early 1950's before switching to funny ships with wings that eventually became jets.
hood ornament evolution - that would be a good photo essay!
Skippy and DoctorIt: I'm positive #2 is a Plymouth, but unfortunately the property owner had gone away for the afternoon to be with family. I was really hoping to speak with him to querry him on certain cars and to ask the big question.....WHY? There must be over a hundred cars in his side yard.
wfeller: Yeah, that one is my second fave.
I didn't get #4 of this series in a position I was happy with, but I think on another visit I'll work on that. I love the design. The lighting was just not as favorable as I wanted.
"... but I'll be sober in the morning." - Winston Chruchill
Thanks again.
"... but I'll be sober in the morning." - Winston Chruchill