How do you keep thumbs out of CS3 Open File dialog?

I'm having a minor annoyance with CS3. By default, the view of the open file dialog box is set to show thumbs. When I change the view to list or detail, the change does not persist, even when I don't close the program. The next time I open a file, the box has reverted to the thumbs view. In CS2, the view did not change. I prefer the list view when I am working on a bunch of pics because I have to scroll less.
Is anyone else having this problem? I am running XP, and I have installed the Microsoft power toy that gives you thumbs of raw files in Explorer. I don't know whether the toy is responsible or whether it is an Adobe issue. Anyone know of a fix?
Is anyone else having this problem? I am running XP, and I have installed the Microsoft power toy that gives you thumbs of raw files in Explorer. I don't know whether the toy is responsible or whether it is an Adobe issue. Anyone know of a fix?
Have got a button, mine is lower left, to "use OS dialong" or "use Adobe dialog" ? What happens if you mess around with that and then try it all again. Do your settings stick?
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There is no button. CS2 had one, and IIRC I used to use the OS version. If there is a preferece setting somewhere, it must be cleverly concealed.
Here's what I see:
That is a Windows dialogue box, Richard. I think the setting is in your Windows Explorer settings somewhere, and not in CS3.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thanks, Kevin and Jim. I'm getting warmer, but still not quite there. I learned on the Adobe forum that the button to choose between the Adobe and OS open dialog only appears if Version Cue is enabled. Clever concealment, as I suspected.
I had already made sure that the XP folder settings were on the list view, so something is mucking with the OS file dialog. It may be the Power Toy, though it doesn't have that effect in Explorer itself.
The Adobe dialog does not have a list view, which I prefer because it is the most compact, meaning that more files fit in the same space. It does have a detail view, which is an improvement over the thumbs view that I was getting, and it seems to be persistent.
If I don't get any other helpful advice today, I'll probably try to uninstall the power toy and see if that changes anything. It may also just be an XP thing, as my previous experience was in Win2K.