2nd Canon flash or ST-E2?
I have a 550EX that I use off camera with the Canon cord. I've been thinking of getting the ST-E2 so that I can have more flexability with the flash positioning, but I'm wondering if I'd be better off getting a second flash first. For $30 more than the transmitter I could get the 430EX.
Buy another 550 or 580. The ST-E2 is nice as a focus assist
in low light when you dont want to carry a big flashgun on
top of your camera. But if you only want to use it to trigger
your 550 you are limiting yourself. Consider that you can
use another 550 or 580 to trigger your existing one AND use
it as a fill flash at the same time. I would not buy the 430
because of its limitations (less power, grouping abilities,
recycle time, battery pack support). And if you have any
aspirations to build up a strobe kit (3 flashes, umbrellas etc.)
this is also cheaper than buying a ST-E2 or 430ex which
you will replace at some point with the more capable 500 flashes.
― Edward Weston
I own a 550ex, a 430ex, and a 580ex, as well as an ST-E2, and I find uses for each of them.
The 550ex I have had for years, and I now leave it on its own old, cheap, separate tripod for quick, easy to carry, off camera lighting. I use my ST-E2 to trigger the 550ex on its tripod.
It is true, that I could just trigger the 550ex with my 580ex, but I do not like the balance of the camera in my hand with a 580ex on board, particulalry shooting portrait mode. The ST-E2 is smaller, lighter and easier to handle, and does not unbalance the camera as much. It does not offer fill flash, but I can use my 580ex off camera also, controlled by the ST-E2, to do that even better than an onboard camera flash. The ST-E2 allows control of two channels off camera, and allows one to vary the lighting back and forth between fill and key, from the camera position.
The 430 will not act a master flash, controlling a slave flash, nor will it take an auxilliary battery pack, so it is the least valued of my speedlites. But it is also the smallest and lightest to pack about, and that counts for something also, and is why I frequently find my self carrying it. The ST-E2 is in my backpack at all times. I can trigger the lighter 430ex with it whenever desired.
In short, both Manfred, and I have good reasons ( I believe anyway ) for our respective decisions.
I do agree that if I were starting out now, equipping an EOS flash system, my first purchase would be a 580ex ( or a 580ex II if I could not find a 580ex ) I would add a 430ex and an ST-E2 to that whenever I could afford it later. The 430ex is cheaper, but of lesser value due to its more limited capabilities, re master, slave, external battery pack. I do use an external battery pack, and find it is a great help - it cuts recycle time to near zero.
It all depends on how important flash is to you and your pictures. Good flash really can take your images up a notch.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I'm going back and forth between adding a second flash or spending a little more and getting a basic studio strobe kit. I'll be using the kit mostly at home practicing on my kids. One question I have about Canon's line of sight infrared system is whether or not it limits placement of your off camera flash(s). I quess with the 580exII I could always use a pc cord if placement was an issue.
Infrared usualy requires a line of sight between sender and reciever,
but I know that some ppl on this forum also report that they are able
to bounce the IR off their palm and walls enableing them to
trigger a flash which wasn't directly seen by the camera. If I was you
I wouldn't worry too much about this right now. You can always add a
wireless (radio) trigger system later. Alternatively you could equip your
flashes with a pc coord by simple putting a pc-cord enabled hotshoe on
― Edward Weston