quantum qflash? anyone

I looked through some of the threads, but did not find any questions or discussion on Quantum Qflash.
Anyone have any experience or information on this flash.
I am definitely interested in buying the q flah, with qnexus, this makes it fully TTL compatabile.
I do a great deal of photojournalism, events, people shoots, some weddings(only when in druncken stupor).
I have used a qflah a few times, its power and versatility, make it a very wothwhile addition.
Anyone here with any help, it will be very appreciated
Anyone have any experience or information on this flash.
I am definitely interested in buying the q flah, with qnexus, this makes it fully TTL compatabile.
I do a great deal of photojournalism, events, people shoots, some weddings(only when in druncken stupor).
I have used a qflah a few times, its power and versatility, make it a very wothwhile addition.
Anyone here with any help, it will be very appreciated
Hey sportsshooter,
I have a pair of qFlash T4D, a 2x2, softbox, snoot, pack of circular gels, two wireless receivers, a wireless transmitter and the ETTL adapter for Canon. I've used 420ex and 580ex flashes before on camera and as remote slaves but got introduced to qFlashes when I was being a wedding photographer assistant. The quality/quantity of light from the qFlashes was well above and beyond that of the canon flashes. Either using the qFlash on 10' stands on either side of the dance floor or using on camera 580ex with the assistant (me) holding a qFlash/softbox on a monopod to the left/right of people. They fit great on a gorilla pod tied to anything.
I use the qFlashes whenever I can for lighting, especially nice with gels on them for multi-colored effects. There is only one downside and the reason I still hold onto my 580ex, they're big.
If you thought it was scarry being photographed at an event by somebody wielding a 1DIII+70-200/2.8+580ex, imagine jamming a flash bracket T4D and softbox onto that setup. It looks like you're trying to kill somebody w/camera gear.
You would _certainly_ use this for portraits/events/people shots/still life/architecture, not sure about photojournalism.
Don't be turned off by the price, this isn't a 580ex vs T5D/T4D, you get much more w/qFlashes, they're portable strobes man.
what k value, do you think they are?
are they warmer or colder of your canon flash?
i shoot flash at 5500 k.
Not sure, I've never don't any sort of direct comparison. If you held me down and forced me to pick cooler or warmer I'd say slightly cooler because of a more detailed looking effect I've come to associate with cooler light.