Dee wrote: Does anyone know what the theme is for the Sacramento store? Anyone took any photos (despite the no photo rule)? Care to post them here? Thanks!
andy wrote: loocy, pliz 'splain
Dee wrote: loocy, what is that pliz 'splain = please explain?
MHJS wrote: Lucy That Andy sometimes.
loocy, pliz 'splain
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loocy, what is that
pliz 'splain = please explain?
That Andy sometimes.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Geesh, I thought I was pretty clear!
The Fry's Electronics stores in the area all have "themes", for example the one in Campbell, CA has an Egyptian theme, the one in Palo Alto has an Old West theme...
I did a search, and saw one Fry's had a huge aquarium in the lobby....
lucy: ricky, i want to be in the show!
ricky: looocy, how many time haf i tol' yoo, yoo cannawt cawm down to de clawb!
ricky: loocy, wat's dis?
lucy: erum, um, er.......
ricky: looocy, you got some 'splainin to do!
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