which camera bag?
I want to purchase a backpack camera bag for my gear. I've been looking at different models from tamrac and lowepro. Which backpack do you think would be good to fit the following gear?:
1d mark 3 w/ 24-70
1d mark 3 w/ 70-200
50 f/1.4
85 f/1.2
Jobo portable backup device
4 extra batteries
memory card case
2x 580exII
cp-e4 battery back
extra filters
I want to purchase a backpack camera bag for my gear. I've been looking at different models from tamrac and lowepro. Which backpack do you think would be good to fit the following gear?:
1d mark 3 w/ 24-70
1d mark 3 w/ 70-200
50 f/1.4
85 f/1.2
Jobo portable backup device
4 extra batteries
memory card case
2x 580exII
cp-e4 battery back
extra filters
Good luck. Oh, BTW, I have an Expedition 5 and I love it. I bought one of these today:
It is DA bomb.
NEW Smugmug Site
2 1D Mark IIIs with lenses attached is some serious hardware, even without the extra lenses and whatnot. I'm not sure what your purpose is for the backpack - Point A to Point B, carry-on for air travel, actual in the field hiking, etc. I see you don't have a laptop requirement, but what about foul weather?
I ended up getting a mid-sized Tenba bag because it best handled the amount of gear I carried (including laptop) and I could get it in the overhead of a regional jet without gate checking.. I also looked at the Crumpler, Kata, LowePro, and Tamrac. Crumpler was interesting but didn't quite meet my needs. Since then I have also looked at the ThinkTank.
In this and other forums, you will see most serious backpackers or trekkers do not like 'photo/camera' backpacks - they modify traditional backpacks with sturdy frames and light weight material. I had already bought my backpack, and like it, but will seriously look at that as a alternative in the future. Again, it gets to the purpose of your pack.
-Fleetwood Mac