Christmas in Naples
Florida that is;)
I went to visit my parents in naples FL for christmas and here's some pics from the trip. Most were taken with either an old sony point and shoot or an SD1000 point and shoot, so not of great quality, but at least to me, the content was lots of fun:barb
I'd love comments on the night shots as to how I might have done a better job of it!
Me after some laps on my mom's KX80 - the little bike is wayyy too much fun:hail

short video
Tested out my dad's new push bike. Seriously hard to do wheelies on it:banghead

cool building on the beach - botom part of it looks sorta like a ship. For about 30 million (I think) you can buy a condo in one of the upper floors:deal

Sunset over the ocean

The moon

The moon and mars (little dot below the moon)

mom and dad got new tennis racquets for christmas, I had to give it a try (I've never played before)

Tossed the football around on the beach

dad and I dialing in the jetting on mom's bike

mom says the jetting is pretty good, but still just a little blubery in the middle.

A few quick laps with me aboard and the blubberyness is all gone. Probably just a bit of carbon in the exhaust or something. WOT around a sand track cleared it all out and the bike ran crisp as can be:deal

I went to visit my parents in naples FL for christmas and here's some pics from the trip. Most were taken with either an old sony point and shoot or an SD1000 point and shoot, so not of great quality, but at least to me, the content was lots of fun:barb
I'd love comments on the night shots as to how I might have done a better job of it!
Me after some laps on my mom's KX80 - the little bike is wayyy too much fun:hail
short video
Tested out my dad's new push bike. Seriously hard to do wheelies on it:banghead
cool building on the beach - botom part of it looks sorta like a ship. For about 30 million (I think) you can buy a condo in one of the upper floors:deal
Sunset over the ocean
The moon
The moon and mars (little dot below the moon)
mom and dad got new tennis racquets for christmas, I had to give it a try (I've never played before)
Tossed the football around on the beach
dad and I dialing in the jetting on mom's bike
mom says the jetting is pretty good, but still just a little blubery in the middle.
A few quick laps with me aboard and the blubberyness is all gone. Probably just a bit of carbon in the exhaust or something. WOT around a sand track cleared it all out and the bike ran crisp as can be:deal
Sony DSC-S85 (point and shoot)
Panasonic LX1
Olympus 770SW
In the market for a dslr
Sony DSC-S85 (point and shoot)
Panasonic LX1
Olympus 770SW
In the market for a dslr
I think you succeeded quite well here - even with a point and shoot. Thanks for sharing these....
Oh my your fathers new push bike doesn't look comfortable to ride at all.
The motor bikes look much more fun
Your night shots look fine to me, really love that second shot,
with the building all lit up and the cloud formation you managed to capture with a moon in it too ... whohooo!! Mr Smarty Pants :ivar
Shooting bright lights and mixtures of lights as a night scene would not be easy to do, some of your brighter lights in that shot are blown out,
but other than that, you did really well.
Glad you had a nice time with your family over the Christmas break.
Thanks for sharing.
........... ohhh and by the way, what is that gigantic fruit you picked off the tree there? a peach? or something else? .... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
All the night pics were taken by me with my sony dsc-s85 point and shoot. It has manual controls for shutter speed (1/1000 to 8 sec) aperture (f2 to f8). I typically would steal my wife's dslr for such work, but she was floating around the Caribbean with it at the time. I used a pocket tripod (about 8" tall) for the night shots along with the camera's timer feature so it wouldn't wobble when I pushed the button (or rather it wouldn't matter).
My dad's weird bicycle is actually amazingly comfortable, sorta like peddling a lazy boy.
The fruit is a grapefruit, but amazingly the oranges and limes were only a little smaller.
Sony DSC-S85 (point and shoot)
Panasonic LX1
Olympus 770SW
In the market for a dslr