Smugmug having problems?

I can view my smugmug "home page" but can't get to much of anything else. Galleries dont show up. Is there a problem going on?
I can view my smugmug "home page" but can't get to much of anything else. Galleries dont show up. Is there a problem going on?
We're sorry that you are not able to see your photos. When you use your navbar, what happens? Can you give us a little bit more of a description? Errors? Blank pages? The last browser that I am seeing you use is Internet Explorer 7. That right? I took a look at your account and was able to see all of the galleries I tried to get into . SmugMug is up and running just fine today. Can you tell us if you are running any security software? Any recent changes with your system (any sort of software updates)? Please email the response into the helpdesk and we'll see how to get you up and going.
You can see all your galleries and such if you go to<whatever> instead of<whatever>
I'll leave you in Dustin's extrordinarily capable hands <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Thanks for responding.
Olympus E-5