Bulk Quick Settings Questions

I have been using Quick Settings since day one and it is a real time saver.
However, with the growing number of galleries, I now have a problem...
I am trying to change a group of galleries under *one* Cat\SubCat into another Quick Settings profile. But when I hit 'Bulk Gallery Settings', it displays ALL my galleries (about 1000 of them). This makes is very difficult to 'choose' the right galleries for the modification. Is there anyway to display only a subcat or cat galleries when I try to bulk change the Quick Settings?
However, with the growing number of galleries, I now have a problem...
I am trying to change a group of galleries under *one* Cat\SubCat into another Quick Settings profile. But when I hit 'Bulk Gallery Settings', it displays ALL my galleries (about 1000 of them). This makes is very difficult to 'choose' the right galleries for the modification. Is there anyway to display only a subcat or cat galleries when I try to bulk change the Quick Settings?
ws, photos.lam.ws
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug